Wealth Building

Are You In The Running For Self Certification Loans

Have you considered self certification loans as a way to borrow money to own your own home, attend an institute of higher learning, or purchase personal transportation If so, why not take this quick quiz to see if self certification loans are your best option 1. Can you provide documentation of your employment income from the past three years If…

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How Much Should You Borrow

There’s little doubt that we’re borrowing more and there’s also little doubt that credit is one of the great conveniences of modern life. That said, like Goldilocks you want to borrow the amount that’s just right — and no more. So what’s the right level of debt? The loan qualification standards used by mortgage lenders are an important guideline. You…

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Wealth Building

Mortgages A Guide For First Time Buyers

The prospect of buying a home for the first time can be a very exciting experience, however for many it can also be a very daunting one too. Being able to put down a deposit significant enough to secure a mortgage remains the biggest up hill struggle for most first time buyers. The fact is that the bigger your available…

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Making Uk Mortgages More Accessible

Previously, in the UK, if you wanted to apply for a mortgage to buy a new home, the amount that would be lent to you would be automatically tied to how much money you earned. With runaway UK housing prices over the last decade, and with incomes remaining fairly stable, this method of calculating how much you could borrow on…

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Factors To Consider For Borrowing Student Loans

Under the accepted standards of borrowing student loans, it is stressed that you can borrow up to the cost of attendance, as determined by your school, less other financial assistance you might be receiving. Other financial assistance refers to grants, work-study, and scholarships. And, the cost of attendance typically involves tuition, books, fees, room and board, and other miscellaneous living…

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There Is An Enemy It S Name Is Inflation

It would be great if we lived in a world that was affordable. But we don’t. The reality is that prices often rise faster than our income! No matter how hard you work, you’re still not earning as much as you were yesterday… or the day before. So we have to make due with the money we have. Sometimes that…

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