
Aging Baby Boomers Create Jobs in Health Care

Over 75 million Americans comprise the baby boomer generation, and many have reached an age where health care is starting to become a major concern. Baby boomers are generally recognized as the generation born between 1946 and 1964, although many who were born a few years before or after associate themselves with the name. The baby boomers represent a post…

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Parkbridge Capital Has Eye On The Prize Retirement Communities

A slumping housing market, high energy costs, and turbulent financial markets are causing many baby boomers into more prudent choices for their retirement. Today’s retirees consider a longer, more active lifestyle than previous generations, and now, with homes adjusting downward in value, many will have fewer financial resources than previously perceived. There is an answer for many of the upcoming…

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Web Hosting

H F L Team Home Business Booming With Boomers

Have you read the statistics on Baby Boomers? I’ll highlight a few for you. About 78 million were born during the post-war boom years of 1946 – 1964. They total one -third of the adult population. The 50 to 65 age group is exploding in growth. The oldest boomers turned 60 in 2006 and more than 10,000 turn 50 each…

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Baby Boomers And Rvs

Central Florida has to be the RV capital of the world. If not, then it has to be right up there near the top. The great exodus from the north happens in late fall much like the migration of birds. Thus the term “snowbirds” was coined. Since the baby boomers have hit retirement age, things have really exploded. Had I…

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Baby Boomer Retirement Options

As the first wave of Baby boomers nears retirement age, they’re beginning to realize that unlike their predecessors, they have many options. Here’s a look at some of the Baby boomer retirement options this group of mature adults are choosing. They’re working long past retirement age The generations that came before the Baby Boomers retired from the work force at…

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Web Hosting

Baby Boomer Social Networking

Baby boomer web sites are growing in popularity as more and more seniors are becoming comfortable with computers and the Internet. Baby boomers benefit from the vast amount of information they find online but those who market their products and services to Baby boomers benefit, too. With over 78-million potential customers, Baby boomer web sites have the potential to generate…

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Leon Meekcoms On Housing And Baby Boomers

A few months ago, the Social Security Administration sent out the first of the Baby Boomer checks. Everyone from financial advisors to real estate investors are keeping a sharp eye out for trend changes. “Baby Boomers have more accumulated wealth than any previous generation, and they’re positioned downstream from a river of assets that they will inherit from their parents,”…

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