
Dog Bite Prevent Or Deal With It

Statistics has it that 4.7 million people get bitten by dogs yearly. These bites range from minor nips to major attacks. Dog is man’s best friend, not his worst enemy. To make it stay that way, here are some tips for you to stay away from being bitten by a dog. * How to Avoid being Bitten by A Dog…

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How To Buy A Telescope

So you have decided that you want to take up astronomy. Many do! It’s a fascinating hobby after all. Many take up astronomy because their interest has been fired by a TV documentary which introduces them to the wonders of the heavens. Others become interested after talking to an avid amateur astronomer, and get bitten by the bug of wanting…

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Home Remedies For Animal Bite

If you are bitten by any animal, be it a pet or a wild one, you need to take necessary precautions to prevent any form of infection or disease. – Home Remedial Measures Thoroughly wash the wound with cold water, once you get the bleeding under control, remove the saliva from the bitten animal by washing the wound with soap…

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