Health Fitness

Of Birth Control And Unwanted Pregnancies

Married for eight years, Robert and Tanya Maxwell had their hands full trying to raise six children. As devout Catholics, the couple were constrained to follow the teachings of their church. In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued an encyclical letter entitled Humanae Vitae which stated that, “…it is always wrong to use contraception to prevent new human beings from coming…

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Birth Control Pills Can Help Acne Treatment Know How

Many young women who are looking for acne treatment and birth control methods tend to look for birth control pills to kill two birds with a stone. It might be surprising for some to know that some birth control pills are very effective in controlling acne and cure considerably in many cases. Birth control pills control the sebum significantly to…

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Health Fitness

Birth Control And Your Lifestyle

For people who aren’t ready to start a family or have a child, birth control is a gift from the gods. But with the rising costs of commodities, people are looking for something that will fit their budgets. And from there, the search for cheap birth control products starts. You may ask yourself, will cheap birth control products be safe…

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The Miracle Of Self Forgiveness

Our hearts melted into one another’s in instant recognition during that first hug. Two bodies reunited after 36 years…two spirits that had never been separated. The gap of time was instantly filled during that one moment of reunion. The bond of mother and daughter can never be broken. Only shame, guilt and remorse fed the fire of apparent separation. Only…

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Health Fitness

Facts On Unexpected Birth Control

We just don’t know how much a woman knows about the little white pill that they take everyday. Birth control pills are known to improve the quality of a woman’s skin. It is also known to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. Birth control pills are indeed multi-functional, but there are still some information that only a few, if not…

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Health Fitness

Birth Control Tricks That Don T Work

Women have been trying to prevent themselves from having children for centuries, with most societies tolerating or accepting such practices. The fact is, ancient methods of birth control have been in use even during periods that were thought to be controlled by conservatism, religious extremism, and plain ignorance about scientific principles of human reproduction. Some of these actually work while…

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Health Fitness

Injectables Are They Safe To Use

With the population currently experiencing a drastic rise, women now are becoming more aware of the need for family planning and the use of birth control. With the abundance of different birth control methods in the market, ladies are looking for highly effective but reversible contraceptive means. One of the more effective and less tedious contraceptive available is the birth…

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Health Fitness

What You Need To Know Before Popping The Pill

In August of 1960, Enovid, the first contraceptive pill, was launched for sale in the USA. The mass-marketing of the drug was so successful that within one year of the product’s launch, over 1 million American women were using it. It was a revolutionary breakthrough in contraception. Pharmaceutical companies that made the drug promised to give women control over their…

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Health Fitness

How To Determine The Best Birth Control For You

If you are still not emotionally and financially ready to have a child, then the best option to prevent pregnancy is to make use of an effective birth control method. Today, there are a lot of birth control options for you to choose from. Birth control options range from implants, IUDs, pills, sterilizations, and injections. Each year, millions of people…

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Fitness While Pregnant Information You Should Know

Pregnant women can and should exercise in moderation unless there are health factors or risks that prevent them from participating in a fitness program. This should consist of intervals of no more than thirty minutes at a time, several days each week if not every day of the week. Exercising has been proven to help pregnant women feel and look…

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