Health Fitness

Gastritis A Brief Overview

What is gastritis? Gastritis, as any medical book would describe it, is the inflammation of the stomach lining. The term itself was derived from the Greek terms gastro- which literally means stomach, and -itis meaning inflammation. This condition may manifest itself alone or as a symptom of an underlying medical condition. This may appear out of nowhere or develop slowly…

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Health Fitness

Natural Liver Support Cleansing Products

The liver is involved in thousands of biochemical mechanisms making it second only to the brain in importance and complexity. Natural health practitioners are also acutely aware of the detrimental effects on the liver of modern living, with its chemicals, excessive fat intake, pesticides, hormones, and stress. This suggests that we as a culture are in need of liver support.…

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Health Fitness

Causes And Types Of Gall Bladder Disease

The gall bladder is a small organ that is situated in the vicinity of the liver. The liver produces bile, a substance that has a very important role in the digestion of fat. The gall bladder stores the bile produced by the liver and expels it inside the small intestine when the substance is required in the digestion of foods…

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