
Gender Bending In Mmorpgs

Most MMORPGs, such as Maple Story, RF Online and many other others allow players to experience a fantasy world filled with Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, and many other exotic races. These games also allow players to choose which gender their avatars will assume. While Playing as non-human races is considered unremarkable, playing as the opposite gender (termed gender bending) has always…

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Precautionary Measures For Hernia

Hernia is an opening in the muscular structure of the wall of the abdomen. The weakness in the wall causes damage to the abdominal wall leading to protrusion through the thin membrane. The bulging contents usually remain in the naturally formed cavity. The contents of protrusion are mainly portions of intestines or abdominal fatty tissue. Even though theory mentions that…

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Health Fitness

Senior Fitness

Staying fit and mobile plays a large role in senior health. It’s not always easy to maintain fitness levels as we age. Naturally, our bodies change, but we don’t want them becoming immobile! Here are some tips to make your senior years more enjoyable and fit. As much as possible, continue doing your daily living tasks. Taking a bath, even…

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