Self Improvement

Self Esteem Developing A Strong Belief In Yourself

Inevitably in life, we will face disapproval or rejection from others. It might be a family member, friend, employer, or even a stranger. They might disagree with the way we live our lives, the decisions we make for ourselves, or even who we are. They might belittle our dreams, criticize our goals, or make hurtful comments that reveal a low…

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Self Improvement

Increase Your Self Esteem With This Easy Method

Low Self Esteem is essentially a civil war. It is an internal battle between two belief systems that disagree. We often spot the struggle between these two in our behavior causing emotional torment. Another way to look at this is as a lack of integrity. Integrity means ‘wholeness’. It is when beliefs and actions are congruent. If they lack congruency…

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Old Earth Creationist Relationships

As old-earth creationists, what should our relationship be with the young-earth creationist? Can we get along together, in the same churches, without arguing? As you can imagine, a lot of the email that Answers In Creation receives is from the young-earth person who takes issue with our position. They range from sincere to hostile; some “agreeing to disagree,” others flat…

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Time Management

Writing Your Own Powerful Affirmations

A common question I see from people just beginning their personal development journey is, “How do I write effective affirmations?” Often they will go in search of existing affirmations that they can apply to their own situation, but they may or may not find something that works for them. In my experience, it is much simpler to come up with…

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Self Improvement

Controlled By Beliefs

Have you ever had someone attacking you and you can’t figure out why? They may say it is because of something you said, did or wrote, yet you know that it had nothing to do with them. This happens more than we realize. And knowing how to recognize it and how to deal with it, is important in business and…

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Time Management

Tap Yourself Rich

The Law of Attraction has been getting a lot of attention recently. With the popularity of The Secret (both the book and video), books such as the Abraham books by Esther and Jerry Hicks, as well as the many hundreds of ever-popular classics, such as Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, the idea that you can “create your own reality”…

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Goal Setting

Achieve Your Most Elusive Goals

Everyone has something in their life that they would like to change. Some really big goals include overcoming addiction, achieving and sustaining weight loss, attaining inner peace, manifesting health, or becoming more successful. We are born to continuously expand our abilities. The beginning of most goals are exciting. Visions of triumph flourish in the minds of those starting a path…

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The Doctrine Of Creation

According to many today, the doctrine of creation is one of those critical doctrines that one must believe in. In many churches, it is required belief before a person becomes a member of the church. However, it has not always been that way. As you will see, this is a relatively new doctrine, invented by twentieth-century young-earth believers and their…

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Can An Atheist Believe In God

What makes an atheist? Is he or she one who says “God absolutely does not exist”? Certainly most atheists I know wouldn’t say that. Unfortunately, like most religious people, most dictionaries misrepresent atheism, with definitions like “Denial of the existence of God.” What Atheists Believe 1. Evidence and experience are the proper basis for any beliefs. 2. Those who make…

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