Time Management

How To Recognise Depression

Mental health, not the sort of thing most people choose to talk about seriously. We’ve all heard the comments about ‘Sad Sack’, ‘Mr Grumpy’ or phrases like ‘Smile, I’ll pay for the stitches’ or ‘Stop moping around’. It saddens me every time I hear a remark like that, something insensitive or said out of plain ignorance, usually by people who…

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Child Behaviour Dealing With Positivity

Bad behaviour is often an effective way to attract attention of parents. The conflicting time will probably start at the stage during her third year: tears and tantrums often go hand in hand with being two years old. Phrasing limits in a positive way focuses on what to do, rather than what not to do. When parents and caregivers offer…

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Health Fitness

Living With An Alcoholic Some Dos And Don Ts

One of the commonest questions anyone working in the addiction field is asked is “How can I stop my wife/husband/partner from drinking so much?” Unfortunately the short answer to that is – you can’t. They will stop when it suits them, whether that is because they hurt so much or because circumstances change. That is painful to hear, but nevertheless…

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10 Commandments Of Parenting

Michael Grose’s 10 Commandments for Parenting Here are the wisest commandments ever commended to parents: 1.Thou shalt be consistent. Do as you say you will. Children know where they stand when you are consistent, follow through and mean what you say. 2.Thou shalt expect children to contribute (without being paid). Expect children to help at home but don’t expect them…

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Dog Training Part Iv Reward And Punishment

Most training revolves around giving the dog consequences for his behaviour, in the hope of influencing the behaviour the dog will exhibit in the future. Operant conditioning defines four types of consequences: Positive reinforcement adds something to the situation to increase the chance of the behaviour being exhibited again (for example, giving a dog a treat when he sits.) Negative…

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Time Management

Be Kind To Yourself And Others

Kindness is a generosity of spirit. It comes to life when we give of ourselves and our time to be of help to others, without expecting anything in return. When you show kindness to somebody you bring out the best in yourself, and a side-effect of brightening up somebody else’s day is to feel happier in the moment yourself. Pay…

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Time Management

Why Would You Want To Use A Coach

Do you ever feel that: * Your life is out of your control? * You are not where you could be or want to be? * You don’t really receive the recognition you deserve? * You don’t feel safe and secure in your relationships? * You are often overlooked and undermined? * You have strong desire but lack belief in…

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Does Genes Influence Child Behaviour

Many different things have an impact on a child’s behaviour. Genes Some children are naturally more lively and excitable than others. They may be easily distracted and enjoy company rather than spending time on their own. Although boisterous, you’ll usually be able to control their behaviour. School You may notice a change in your child’s behaviour when she starts school.…

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Why Dog S Bark

Thousands of years ago, humans began the process of domesticating the dog and shaping what “being a dog” really means. Through careful selection and breeding, an astonishing variety of dog breeds have been created. Desirable traits have been selected for in various breeds that are of a benefit to humans. There are some traits, however, that quickly become undesirable when…

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Ocd Dont Look Back In Anger

How is it that an OCD sufferer can never leave a room or walk through a door without looking back? Why do we fight the urge to look back? Well let me tell you? It is because we find ourselves going back to fluff up the cushions, god only knows how many times the doors are checked to see if…

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