
Teenage Anger Parenting Tips

I am commonly asked questions like “Why is my teenager always angry with me?” Parents DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY! Teenagers are generally not angry with you they are just plain angry. This anger can vary from resentment right through to actual rage. What you are seeing is not the anger itself but a behavior. The emotion is the anger,…

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Time Management

The Power Of The Subconscious Mind Can Be Yours

The power of the subconscious mind is undebatable. You may live as if you’re in control of your life. But you’re not. Your life is run by the power of the subconscious mind. The power of your subconscious mind can be helpful. Or it can be harmful. Unfortunately, for most people, the subconscious is more harmful than helpful. The subconscious…

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Personality Testing Myth And Realities

It is commonly believed myth that personality testing instruments can measure your personality and predict your future behaviors. The pre-employment testing mechanism has been following this creed without any solid evidence. The testing industry claims all out validity. The educational institutions and employer organizations use them for screening purposes. Their transparency and equity has even convinced the courts of law.…

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Health Fitness

Recognizing Autism Symptoms

Autism is considered to be the most serious disorder among Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism is triggered by neurological dysfunctions, in some cases causing dramatic, irreversible damage in behaviors, social interactions, communication skills and even physical development. Although people who suffer from autism don’t always seem to be different from normal people, the presence of abnormalities is revealed by the way…

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Disease Illness

Autism Spectrum Disorders Explained

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) cover a variety of behaviors and abilities and are caused by abnormal brain development. While ASDs begin when the individual is a child, they will last throughout the individual’s life. Most individuals with ASDs will display a lack of social skills, as well as communication skills. While these individuals with ASDs may have a variety of…

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Drivecam Reveals Riskiest Driving Behaviors

June is the National Safety Month. Now, as part of this whole campaign, DriveCam Inc. has most recently announced that it is supporting this event and would be doing this by highlighting the risky driving behaviors. These behaviors would be those that would most likely lead to collisions and accidents. DriveCam Inc. is a Driver Risk Management (DRM) company. According…

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Behavior Training For Your Stubborn Cat

Learning cat behaviors before you start training them would be an good idea for anyone that is going to train a cat’s behavior. A cat can jump and land on its feet as this is a natural instinct for a cat. When a kitten is born the cushion in its paws are not developed with the cushion to land on…

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True Happiness

Most people look outside of themselves as the cause of their unhappiness or frustration. After all, wouldn’t life be practically perfect if the significant people in our lives would simply do things the way we want them to or do what we think is best for them? Actually, this is the kind of thinking that perpetuates the misery! I agree…

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