
U S Marines A Strong History Of Bravery And Service

The United States Marines are a highly specialized branch of the U.S. Military, known for their rapid deployment and amphibious warfare abilities. The mission of the Marines is triple-pronged; to defend or seize naval bases and other land operations as needed, to develop equipment and tactics that will advance the capabilities of amphibious landing forces, and to perform other duties…

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Reference Education

The Gladiators From History To Movies

The movie Gladiator was very entertaining and certain raised the profile of gladiators. The question, however, is whether the movie accurately portrayed these warriors. The Gladiators – From History To Movies In history, there are few topics that are more interesting than the gladiators of Rome. From the very start, these people who thrust into battle with other men and…

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Airsoft Takes Role Playing To A Whole New Level

A popular game in airsoft gun battles is the Mil-Sim format of game play. These types of airsoft role-playing formats create an entire era within the parameters of the airsoft game. The Mil-Sim game creates a realistic era of action role-playing for everyone involved in the game. In some cases, games are set up and recreated according to an actual…

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