
Basil More Than A Kitchen Plant

A universally known fact is that aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted from plants. One of the most commonly used essential oil in aromatherapy is that of Basil. Basil got its name from the Greek word “basileum” meaning “king”. Considered as “king among plants” as it was one of the ingredients on the list of oils blended to massage kings. Basil…

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Learn About Herb Gardening Get The Natural Facts

One of the most appealing things anyone will learn about herb gardening is how relaxing and simple growing herbs can be. Discovering all the wonderful, various herbs and what they do is a captivating pastime, and can be quite beneficial. You can use herbs for cooking, as medicinal aids such as topical dressings or healthy teas, or simply for decorative…

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Spices Turmeric Cumin Mint And Sweet Basil

Turmeric Scientific name:Curcuma longa L. Vernacular name:Khamin Turmeric is used for its flavour and atteracive golden colour. A robust herbaceous perennial grows to a height of 1 metre with a short stem and tufted leaves. Turmeric is usually propagated from fingers or small sections of rhizome. The rhizomes grow best in a hot, moist climate. Turmeric smells peppery and fresh…

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Alternative Medicine

Aromatherapy And Men

As we are all aware Aromatherapy is nothing new to civilization. However it is unlikely that you will find the word man and aromatherapy in the same sentence. In fact if you ask most guys what they know of Aromatherapy for men you would receive a vacant stare in return as they draw blanks in the mental index. The truth…

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Travel Tips

Moscow Tour Overview

You are a lucky person, you have a good chance to know more about this great city, which is as beautiful as ever, despite all crises and misfortunes! Russia travel agency Nordway is the best starting point for your Moscow travel. Read it, enjoy it and feel happy and confident. Moscow is one of the oldest and one of the…

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