
So You Want To Be An Umpire

An umpire plays a very critical role in every baseball game. He is the decision maker in terms of rules of play and decorum in the field. If you ever want to be an umpire, you must of course know the rules of the game and all the technicalities subject to the rules or the modes of play. An umpire…

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Recreation Sports

Barry Bonds And Steroid Use

I will give Barry Bonds the benefit of the doubt and consider him innocent until proven guilty. There is simply too much public “trying” of cases due to the “seriousness of the allegations” whereby people are tried, convicted, and sentenced by members of the media or by everyday citizens. Yet, the case against Barry Bonds seems to be compelling, especially…

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History Of Soccer In The Us

Although soccer is not THE sport in the US, the history of soccer in US is one of the longest around, right next to that of the English or the Scottish. After the English set out to form a set of rules for the game of soccer, these were soon taken to the new World, where Americans learned to love…

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Baseball Memorabilia Must Haves

If you are not familiar with the term memorabilia, then you must know that memorabilia refers to individual items of historical value such as programs, posters, brochures, clippings, buttons, pennants, cards and stickers. So, baseball memorabilia must-haves refer to baseball souvenirs. And, when it comes to baseball souvenirs, the most common things that people collect are baseball balls and baseball…

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Home Family

How Can You Tell If The Sunglasses Are Baseball Sunglasses

Baseball sunglasses are the ones that major league baseball players wear to help reduce the glare of the sun when they have to look up to see the ball. Baseball sunglasses need to have certain properties to make them suitable sunglasses for baseball players. They need to significantly reduce the glare, protect the eyes from UV rays and be shatterproof.…

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Head To Head Baseball Results

The competition is fierce between baseball teams that are part of the American League and National League. These Major League Baseball teams have battled against each other many times, and one team always walks away the winner. Bragging rights get to be important after so many years, and fans sometimes have to look back on the head to head baseball…

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Baseball Betting How To Bet Basics

If you know nothing about sports and you still feel the urge to wager, baseball is the easiest sports to wager on. As opposed to football and basketball, where you are mixed up with the point spreads and other confusing calculations, in baseball betting you simply put your money on the outcome of the game. In addition, the baseball season…

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Recreation Sports

My Daughter My Inspiration

My daughter Manteee (Samantha) has shown me a path that I like traveling. She has been and will continue to be an inspiration in my life. Her fearless nature and competitive qualities have swelled my heart. I am so lucky to have her as my daughter. She loves playing softball. Her competitive nature shows up in many facets of the…

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