Health Fitness

The Benefits Joys And Danger Of The Sunlight

THE BENEFITS OF THE SUN-RAYS If the exposure to sun light is moderate, the benefits outnumber the dangers. First of all sunshine has a good effect upon the mental health and well-being, both due to the visible light and to the warming effect. The UVA rays in the sunlight stimulates the skin to produce vitamin D. This vitamin is necessary…

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Health Fitness

Shea Butter Lip Balm No Petroleum Jelly

Natural Lip Balm Vs the Other Kind Lip balm has been around for over 100 years. But it took a wrong turn right at the beginning. The inventor of lip balm, Dr. C. D. Fleet, started an unfortunate trend by using petroleum jelly in his Chap Stick lip balm, and it’s only become clear in recent years just how ineffective…

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Womens Issues

From Lacking To Lushious What To Look For In A Lip Balm

They flake. They peel. They crack. They hurt. In addition, they are about as kissable as sandpaper. Nobody wants chapped lips. But cold, dry, or windy conditions or just some bad luck in the genes department can definitely dry out and roughen up that tender and sensitive section of your face. Hence, using lip balm regularly is the best way…

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