Disease Illness

The Bird Flu Pandemic

Are we on the brink of a Bird Flu Pandemic in the UK? That is the big question that everyone is wondering about in recent times. Only a few months ago Avian Influensa or bird flu as its known more widely was only reported in distant countries. In recent months the outbreak has been reported in European countries and now…

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Disease Illness

H5n1 Bird Flu

Bird flu is the street name for the Influenza A virus, which is the virus that causes Avian flu. The name says it all, as Bird flu is a virus that is hosted by birds. With that said though it may infect several other species of mammals. First identified in Italy in around 1905 the virus is now known to…

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Disease Illness

Avian Bird Flu Poses Serious Threats To Humans

The global health community has been in a state of alarm due to recent outbreaks of the avian influenza disease in many parts of the world, particularly in Asia. The disease has infected humans, prompting many to believe that a global pandemic will soon occur. In the past decades, avian influenza has affected only birds and in some cases, pigs.…

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Disease Illness

Bird Flu Is In The U S

In that great Hitchcock thriller, the birds start attacking Tippi Hedron (Melanie Griffith’s mom, for trivia fans) in Mendocino for no particular reason.Today, Ms. Hedron works actively in films, international relief efforts and for animal causes.She may get an ironic opportunity to combine her charity works with birds again, because scientists around the world are looking nervously at the increasing…

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