Health Fitness

Hypotheses On Autism Causes

Autism is a very serious neurological disorder, determining dramatic behavioral changes in children that are affected by it, considerably altering their psychical and physical development. Autism is responsible for modifications in social interactions, cognitive function and also communication skills. Autistic children are susceptible to allergies, different respiratory conditions, digestive problems, epilepsy, recidivating viral diseases, sleeping disorders and digestive problems. Autism…

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Time Management

The Role Of An Autism Support Group

Having an autistic child or dependent adult is very draining on both caregivers and relatives. Knowing how to advocate and care for you your loved ones, while increasing general awareness, and caring for yourself are essential day to day necessities that require your immediate attention. the best resource to help you cope with an autistic child or dependent adult is…

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A New Teaching Method For Autistic Children

With the prevalence of autism in the United States, one company is hoping its unique reading system will be a boon to parents seeking new ways to help their autistic children develop reading skills. About 1.5 million people are diagnosed with autism in the United States – a sharp rise from only 1 in 10,000 in the 1970s. Dr. Temple…

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Health Fitness

Is Autism The Consequence Of Genetic Dysfunctions

Autism is a complex neurological disorder that involves abnormalities at the level of the central nervous system. Although the specific causes of autism in remain unknown, it seems that acquired or inherited genetic dysfunctions have a very important role in the occurrence of the syndrome in people. Recent experiments conducted on mice have proved that there is a clear connection…

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What Does Autism Look Like

If you want to know what an autistic child looks like, look at your own child or grandchild. Look at the children who live next door to you and take a glimpse at every child you walk past on the street. These could very well be the faces of autism. There is no visible indication that a child is affected…

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Home Family

Coping With Autism Support For Families

Based on the U.S. Department of Education’s 2002 report to Congress on IDEA the number of students with autism in U.S. schools has increased by 1354% in an eight-year period from 1991-1992 to 2000-2001 (as cited by the Autism Society of America, 2003). This increase is almost fifty times higher than all disabilities (excluding autism), which has increased in the…

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Autism Articles

Robotic Hugs How A Hug Can Help Your Autistic Child

Autistic children and adults often seek pressure in a variety of ways to calm themselves and cope with sensory overload. Oftentimes, hugs and squeezes from other people can cause more distress because autistic children or adults are often unable to communicate their needs by indicating a particular amount or length of pressure. This is both frustrating and ineffective for both…

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Time Management

Autism The Range Of Function

Autism is a syndrome that comes from exhibiting certain combinations or patterns of behavior. Low functioning autism is the term used to describe autistic individuals that are not able to function or deal with every day life. Normal to high functioning autism is used to describe people that exhibit autistic behaviors that are in fact able to deal with real…

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