
Are Readers Important To Authors

Bestselling authors speak of their fans in almost reverential tones, as well they should. A loyal readership that comes back for more, book after book, is the real key to long-term publishing success. Savvy authors work diligently to produce great work that will continue to please their audience, but many of them also communicate directly to their fans. Author’s web…

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I M Published Now What

So you’re published! Congratulations! Now if you’re like most authors you may be asking yourself, now what? There are so many ways to market yourself, so many in fact it’s sometimes tough to know which one you should chose. Now without getting into all your choices, let’s look at some basic things you can do to surround yourself with enough…

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Web Design

What You Need To Know About Css

Style sheet is a progressive breakthrough for the advancement of web. Today, more and more browsers are implementing style sheets, opening authors’ eyes to unique features that allow influence over presentation while preserving platform independence. The advantages of style sheets have become – apparent — and the disadvantage of continually creating more HTML tags — galore — for presentation effects…

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Book Marketing

Get A 6 Figure Book Advance

It’s the dream of 81% of the population to write a book. No matter how many times people tell you how difficult it is to do, nearly everyone wants to do it. There hangs a certain romance around writers. I think it’s a kind of nostalgia or grieving for some forgotten part of ourselves. We long to return to a…

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The 7 Habits Of Highly Successful Authors

The more I read how the successful authors do it, the more I realize that, like successful people in all walks of life, they all do things in common that contribute enormously to their success. So how can we learn from successful authors to ensure our own success in 2008 and beyond? We can start by adopting what I call…

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Join The Fight To Give Self Publishers An Even Playing Field

Are you a self-published author who is tired of getting the door slammed in your face by reviewers, contests, conferences and more just because your books aren’t published by a traditional publisher? Join the club! And I do mean join. If we as self-publishers don’t begin to work together to combat the bias against our work, we are going to…

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Getting The Most Out Of Critiques And Edits

As an author, it’s never fun to get your manuscript back with red through all of your precious words. In fact, it’s probably one of the worst moments you can have as a writer. Self-doubt can fill you and make you wonder why you ever bothered to write such poor quality stuff. But don’t fret. Just because there is a…

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Is All Fair In Love War And Dating Blogs

People blog about just about anything these days, from celebrities to restaurants to their painful dayjobs and everything in between. It seems like everyone and their cat (seriously, cats CAN have blogs too), has something to say. Thanks to the internet, and free blog space, everyone is able to broadcast whatever they want to out in the internet universe. Since…

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Ebooks And The Entrepreneur

Most home business opportunities are overdone and oversaturated. With most home based business opportunities that are promoted in magazine and websites the options are all the same; start a day care center, become a personal shopper, site at home and stuff enveloped and so on. While a dedicated person can make income, and sometimes great incomes, from such ideas, the…

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