Web Hosting

How To Create An Online Survey

Those people who are in the marketing game have come to realize how important creating an online survey is to analyze their data and giving them the highest chance at success and big earnings. You can find all the tools you will need in order to create surveys for the internet audience and maximize your earning potential. Why Create an…

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Time Management

Increasing Persuasion With Humor

Many people take for granted the powerful persuading influence of humor. Humor is often tossed off as sheer entertainment or mere speech filler. The truth is, when you engage an audience with humor, you are accomplishing much more than just getting a laugh out of them. Humor disarms an audience, making them more likely to open up to you. Once…

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Arts Entertainment

Stand Up Speak Up

“My father established our relationship when I was seven years old. He looked at me and said, “You know, I brought you into this world, and I can take you out. And it don’t make no difference to me, I’ll make another one look just like you.’” Did it make you smile? That famous line was once said by Stand…

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Web Hosting

Clear Business Communication 4 Steps To Success

Business owners know the bottom-line impact of business communication. It doesn’t matter if the communication is a memo to employees, a sales letter to prospects, or a thank you note to customers… A clear, quality message can build your business and the wrong message can demolish it. Clear messages motivate employees, create positive change in the workplace, increase the possibility…

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Web Design

Web Design And Hosting For South Africa

Like most of us when coming home we scroll thru the mail and have a look at all the specials. Or is that the way it used to work? Market research has shown that more and more people surf the net for what they are looking for. Here is a few quotes I found on whiles investigating this. “More and…

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Who Are You Calling A Moron

Keep in mind there may be a good A recent chat with a friend reminded me of a copywriting lesson I learned long ago in a place far-far way (Philly): Never insult your audience. Easier said than done? Maybe. But we know there’s a fine line between insulting your audience and completely alienating them. Thank God there’s a solution: Give…

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Web Hosting

Creating Group Rapport

Public speaking is hard. I remember starting out in this business, a business which necessitates a fair amount of public speaking, and before each big seminar I’d give, I would have huge anxiety for over a week prior to the event. My family would avoid me, even the dog knew not to interrupt me. Gearing up for events was chaotic…

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Traffic Generation

Why Advertise On Craigslist

Advertising on Craigslist is worthwhile for just about any business offering products or services. Whether these products are offered through ecommerce websites or physical stores, the business owners can see financial gains through advertising on Craigslist. Firstly unlike other advertising opportunities there is very little risk involved in posting on Craigslist. With the exception of job postings and housing postings…

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Internet Marketing

Dare To Be Different The Evolution Of An Ezine

As a marketer, and for the record, I do believe that we are all full-time marketers; I am always looking for ways to connect more regularly with and add value to my target audience – I want top-of-mind awareness for myself, my business and my offerings. Now for years, I’ve known that publishing my very own newsletter would be an…

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Retro Toys Who S Buying Them

The shelves are packed with toys with a cross generational appeal, but which demographic is buying most? As Christmas looms ahead, thoughts move towards the hottest toys this year and parents steel themselves in the annual slog to make sure they get the sought after merchandise. And so do a lot of grown men. The recent trend for retro toys…

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