Self Improvement

Learn The Secret Of Making More Friends

When you meet new people for the first time, do you usually like most of the new people that you meet? Or do you find that you usually dislike new people, unless they can eventually prove after a long time that they deserve your friendship? Perhaps you have never thought about this before. And you may even wonder if it’s…

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Self Improvement

100 Attitude

Your attitude will determine a lot, we’ve all heard the glass half full or glass half empty way off looking at things, both are the same thing, but are vastly different as well. You have the ability to transform your life and reach new heights of success and fulfilment. Whether at this moment in time your attitude is positive, negative…

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No News Is Good News

Did you watch the news on television today? Did you hear it on the radio? Did you happen to listen to your favorite talk radio show today? Watch a movie? A television show? Do you feel good because of it? What effect do these things have on us in our daily lives? Do they invoke a positive mental attitude? Probably…

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Time Management

Developing A Positive Mental Attitude

Because the development of a positive mental attitude can be a truly daunting task for many people, the best way to begin is with a plan. All truly great endeavors, such as the making of the Empire State Building or the creation of the United States of America, each began with a plan. If the plan is a good one…

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Self Improvement

Reasons To Stay Positive

You surely have heard about “positive thinking”, but why bother? Is there any reason you should make the effort to retain only positive thoughts? This article shares some ideas why you may in fact want to make this effort. Higher Productivity Maintaining a positive attitude may lead to higher productivity, whether in your career or personal life. When you are…

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Mind Over Matter You Are What You Believe

If you could be anything and do anything, who would you be and what would you do? Most people do not recognize the power available to them in their own mind. Winston Churchill once said: “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” He should know. After all, he led his country against all odds to fight off…

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The Former Ussr Women S Mentality

Many gentlemen were surprised to know that there is such a drastic difference in attitude and mentality. Although every person is unique, there are certain common tendencies and features of character that make Ukrainian and Russian girls responsive, sensitive, feminine and unique in their traits and perception of the world. So many poems and stories were devoted to the exceptional…

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Going The Extra Mile Benefits Everyone Including Yourself

In a world where mediocrity is becoming alarmingly common, it’s a refreshing change to encounter people who are willing to go the extra mile. If we are lucky we encounter such people on a daily basis. A checkout clerk who is particularly courteous, a co-worker who helps you do something not in their job description, or even a family member…

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