
Asthma Diagnosis And Treatment

Asthma, characterized by difficulty in breathing, is a chronic lung condition. Asthma patients have hyper responsive airways that narrow down when irritated. This makes air movement difficult and cause wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. The two factors that provoke asthma are – What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0…

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Health Fitness

Room Air Purifiers Helping You Fight For Health

Room air purifiers are, for many people, fast becoming a necessity, rather than a luxury item. For those who suffer with allergies or asthma, or simply experience a violent reaction to one of the hundreds of chemicals that is routinely used around our homes these days, a room air purifier or a whole house air purifier can bring long-awaited relief.…

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Exercise And Asthma

If you suffer from asthma, you probably think that you can’t exercise properly or safely. Contrary to what many think of this subject, there are ways that you can get in shape and exercise, even if you suffer from asthma. Asthma is a chronic lung disease that is marked by characteristics such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest…

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Health Fitness

10 Paths To Conquer Asthma

Asthma is a condition where due to certain stimuli a person experiences narrowing of air passages and difficulty in breathing. Treatment for asthma should be done under the guidance of a doctor and should be planned carefully. The key lies in recognizing the causes and managing the condition such that you are in control of the situation. Treatments include: 1.…

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Health Fitness

5 Warning Signs That Could Keep You Out Of Er

Many people knowingly experience asthma for the first time when they are rushed to the emergency room with acute breathing problems. Many of them did not realize that asthma could develop in adults. Consequently they did not seek medical help when symptoms first appeared. This neglect can be fatal. If you suspect you have adult or late-onset asthma a final…

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Health Fitness

What Is Allergy Induced Asthma

When someone is exposed to an allergen – a substance to which their body is sensitive – they may produce ‘histamines’, which cause inflammation and irritation as they work to rid the body of the allergen. In the case of allergy induced asthma, the histamines go to work on the bronchial passages and lungs, making it difficult for the allergic…

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Disease Illness

Sleep Work Play 8482 At Home Program Helps People With Allergic Asthma Communicate Better About Their Condition

Millions of Americans share their beds with enough dust mites to trigger an allergic asthma attack in susceptible people. In fact, two million times a year those symptoms are severe enough to cause a trip to the emergency room. In an effort to help allergic asthma sufferers reduce their exposure to allergens in the home, Andrew Dan-Jumbo of TLC’s While…

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Disease Illness

New Survey Reveals Insights To Successful Asthma Management

A new survey, the Global Asthma Physician and Patient (GAPP) Survey, offers new insights into asthma management by examining disconnects between asthma patients and physicians. This chronic disease, which affects more than 20 million Americans, causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, making it difficult to breathe. In fact, asthma ranks within the top 10 conditions causing limitation of activity,…

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Feline Asthma

Feline Asthma is very common in cats and can effect cats of all ages. There are a lot of factors that can cause asthma in cats, just the same as in a human; cold, damp, mouldy enviroment, ciggarette smoke, city smog, even certain types of cat litter etc. Diagnosing your cat can be very hard as symptoms can range from…

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Alternative Medicine

How To Raise A Kid With Asthma Part 2

Here’s the continuation of the article captioned above. I had mentioned changing the child’s (and the family’s diet for that matter) as THE foundation for a natural asthma treatment. Obviously, I presented a vegetarian diet in the first part and I am aware that as a parent you might ask: “where will my GROWING child get protein from?” There are…

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