Travel Tips

How Do You Get Help Overseas

If you are ill or injured, contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate for a list of local physicians and medical facilities. If you request, consular officers will help you contact family or friends. If necessary, a consul can assist in the transfer of funds from family or friends in the United States. Payment of hospital and other medical expenses…

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Assistance For Seniors In Nevada Seeking Long Term Care

The state of Nevada has several services and advocacy groups that help the elderly who are in need of long term care. Some of the groups are listed below: Advocate for Elders : Just as the name implies, they are advocates and offer assistance to seniors 60 or older who are primarily homebound. Community Home-Based Initiatives Program (CHIP ) offers…

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Arts Entertainment

7 Steps To Connect With Your Angels

The room you are in is filled with Angels! The next room you go to will be filled with Angels and Angels will be at your side with every step you take today. The Angels are with us and are eager to help us. How do I know that? That’s my specialty – I am an author, workshop leader and…

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Web Site Helps Consumers Find Free Medications

Millions of Americans have turned to the Internet for cheaper prescription drug prices, but they may be surprised to learn that for millions of consumers, the best deals are available from pharmaceutical companies in the form of patient assistance programs. In 2003, patient assistance programs helped uninsured or underinsured patients obtain nearly 18 million prescriptions. The estimated wholesale value of…

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Accredited Online College Degree

The advancement of technology has opened up a lot of new opportunities for people all over the world. In the field of education, many top colleges and universities in the country today has opened their doors to students who want to study online. Many of these colleges and universities are now offering accredited online college degree to students from all…

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Drive A Lot Consider Buying Roadside Assistance

It can be frustrating to have your car break down on the highway. Few people will stop to offer help to disabled drivers. You may not have a cell phone with you, so you’ll have to walk to find help. And even if you do have a phone with you, how likely are you to know the number of a…

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