Health Fitness

Understanding The Notion Of Borderline Autism

The concept of autism can sometimes be very confusing. The syndrome first explained by Austrian psychiatrist Leo Kanner in the 40’s has generated many controversial opinions throughout the course of history. Autism is a very complex neurological disorder that can lead to different forms of behavioral, communicational, social and cognitive impairment. People with autism rarely fit the standard symptomatic profile…

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Disease Illness

Aspergers Syndrome General Information

Aspergers Syndrome is a type of Autism, however, the symptoms are usually much milder and less distressing to those people around them. However, it is still a serious condition which affects 1-2 people in 2000, of which, more tend to be boys than girls. Aspergers Syndrome wasn’t widely recognized by parents and professionals as recently as in the 1990’s. Autism…

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