Buying Paintings

Love Of Asian Botanical Paintings

I have a love for Asian botanical paintings. I’ve been seeking them out for a long time. I have many in my collection and love each and every one of them. The first Asian botanical painting that I bought was Vietnamese. It was one of a series of twelve paintings that I bought that were created by Vu Viet Hung.…

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Disease Illness

Is There Going To Be An Asian Flu Pandemic

The last Asian flu pandemic occurred in 1957. It is estimated that between 1 million people and 4 million people were killed by the virus. Fast forward to October 2004 when an American lab sent out stored samples of the deadly strain of Asian flu to different labs all over the world. By some kind of administrative error some 3,700…

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Recreation Sports

Archery Three Noted Histories

Archery is a sport or practice of using a bow to shoot arrows. Throughout history archery was used for many purposes including hunting and combat. It now has mainly become a sport of precision. Some history on archery is that it was said to have begun around 15,000 years ago, but the earliest that proven evidence was reported on archery…

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Change Voice To Earn Cash With E Learning

Sticking my eyes to the desktop eight hours per day has been thickening my glasses year by year. My flat-mate, who is working for an E-commerce company, is also in the same situation but his currently overjoyed laugh and cheerful voice in front of the PC usually awake me at midnight when I am still in the mist of my…

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Web Hosting

Three Classic Financing Mistakes

Securing financing for your business means taking risks and making mistakes. Growth strategies are often fraught with mistakes and misfires. So what are some of the most common strategic errors I’ve seen fellow entrepreneurs make during my career as a serial entrepreneur, former venture capitalist, and angel investor? Well, you may simply be the wrong executive to pitch a startup.…

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The Scoop On Tea

After water, tea is the most popular beverage on earth. It is consumed in large quantities all over the world, but is likely most popular in Asia. Tea was even discovered in Asia, and most of the world’s tea is still grown in this part of the world, though India is a close second. Chinese mythology dates the discovery of…

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Kazakhstan And Its Beautiful Women

It’s a common knowledge, that every nation has its peculiarities. However some world’s regions differ much from each other by the appearance of people, uniqueness of the culture, philosophy, religion. In this article I want to tell you about the Russian brides of Kazakhstan, which have united Asian and European culture in their nature. First of all, I will tell…

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Ethnicity Testing Where Has Your Dna Been

Have you ever wondered about your ethnic origin? Do you know for sure where all your ancestors were from and which countries’ histories were a direct influence on the people who made you who you are? I’ve always known I’m Canadian, but not until recently did I wonder: am I part Finnish? It was just last week when I was…

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