Martial Arts

What To Do If Someone Wants To Fight You

PHYSICAL COMPETANCE Have you ever seen raw violence or someone getting ‘owned’? Just search google for “martial street fights” – “martial owned” Watch those movies and cringe!!! Kung Fu, Boxing, dancing, balley, incompetance? What will you display to your attacker if that day comes? Can you throw a punch or even stand steady on one leg? can you do a…

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Surprises In Valencia Spain

I have been an avid visitor on my holiday to the city of Valencia since 1980, and only noticed slight improvements and changes as far as its tourist offers were concerned, but in the last five or six years, this city has so much to do that I find myself travelling there whenever I can. I have always been fascinated…

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Web Hosting

Knowing The Basics Of Aikido

Aikido is one of the oldest form of martial arts. Founded by Morihei Ueshiba, aikido came about through the studies of many different kinds of traditional martial arts. In fact, is often perceived as a form of exercise or a dance because of some of its forms. It is also viewed by some quarters as some form of martial mesmerism.…

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Ireland For Todays Tourist

Ireland today is being promoted heavily by the hotels and businesses that stand to gain financially from the tourism industry. The main thrust of their campaigns seems to be based on the quality of their accommodation. They do have a lot to offer in the modern hotels with indoor heated swimming pools, fully equipped gyms, a quality dining experience, luxury…

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Give Your Child Life Skills For A Lifetime

Many parents struggle with solutions to put their child on the fast track to success, and one such solution is not usually far from home. It is your local martial arts school. How will martial arts change your child’s life? The difference could be, as simple as, keeping your child away from peer pressure that leads to drug abuse. Although,…

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Martial Arts Physical Techniques And Mental Discipline Part 1

Martial Arts is the combination of physical techniques and mental discipline. It is used for self defense, body strengthening, relaxation, and even competition. Women often take martial arts classes to learn moves that will help them in the event of an attack. The moves of Martial Arts are designed for even a small woman to use them effectively. The arms…

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Martial Arts

Martial Arts Training More Than Just Self Defense

According to the FBI, four women die everyday as a result of domestic violence and about 130,000 women report that they’ve been victims of rape or attempted rape annually. Because of statistics like this, many women enroll in self-defense classes to learn the skills they need to defend themselves. The thing is, a short-term self-defense class may not address all…

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