Health Fitness

Bad Circulation Am I A Victim

There are millions of people around the globe taking treatment for bad circulation, and there are many others who suffer from bad circulation, but not aware of that. Most people ignore the symptoms or take it lightly and hence fail to diagnose it in time. When the person dies all of a sudden, then only others realize that he/she was…

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Health Fitness

Migraine Pain Relief Causes Treatments And Alternatives

Serotonin is a hormone that is technically called 5-hydroxyterpitamine and is produced and found in the pineal gland, blood platelets, the digestive tract, and the brain. Seroronin acts both as a chemical messenger that transmits nerve signals between nerve cells; and a substance that causes blood vessels to narrow. Changes in the serotonin levels in the brain can alter a…

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Hollywood Heart Attack A Potentially Deadly Myth

It is often said that a very important matter is “serious as a heart attack.” This is rather ironic, since many Americans don’t take heart attacks seriously enough-by knowing the warning signs or how to respond. About 1.2 million Americans a year suffer a heart attack and more than 40 percent of them die. Nearly half of all heart attack…

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