
Antenna How One Works

It’s probably not something many people are interested in unless they’re some kind of an electrical engineer or just bored, but understanding how an antenna works can be useful when the one on your TV or radio goes south on you and the reason is beyond your comprehension. Trying to explain how an antenna works in simple English is not…

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Halloween Crafts

The only bad Halloween craft project is the Halloween craft project that takes too long. You know the ones. The craft projects that have so many steps that you’ve lost the attention of your kids before step 2. Give these easy Halloween craft ideas a try. They’re short; they’re sweet; they’re fun and the end results are spooktacular. Antenna Characters…

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Marine Electronics

Autopilots The first self-steering gear was introduced in the 1920’s to control model yachts but it was not until 1948 that the principle was applied to full scale yachts. Standing at the helm for lengthy periods, monitoring instruments and keeping a good look out can be very tiring. An autopilot relieves the helmsman from steering the correct course leaving him…

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Product Reviews

Hdtv Fyi

With all of the abbreviations flying around the stores and commercials, it is very easy to become confused as to what it is you need to buy. HDTV is one of these offenders! HDTV stands for High Definition Television and means the broadcast of television signals with a higher resolution than traditional formats (NTSC, SECAM, PAL) allow. Generally HDTV is…

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Antenna Base Station Cb Antennas

Continuing with our research into the CB craze of the mid 70s we’ll take a look at what were considered the elite antennas when it came to having a CB setup. While the truckers may have ruled the roads and channel 19, it was the everyday hobbyist who ruled the airwaves from his home, and rule they did. If you…

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Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth Wireless Networking

Bluetooth technology offers three different types of defined ranges, based on output ranges. Class 1 devices are the most powerful, as they can have up to 100 mW of power, with a regular antenna giving them a range of around 130 – 330 feet. The class 2 devices are lower power, offering up to 2.5 mW of power. A regular…

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