
Allergic To Your Dog Or Cat

Pets definitely help us live longer and healthier lives. This is especially true of the elderly and those of us who live alone. Pets make wonderful and faithful companions. They are always there for us. However, this relationship can become strained, and sometimes even be broken when someone in the household develops an allergy to a beloved pet. Studies show…

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Are Parasites Killing Your Pets

Of course we all want to take care of our beloved pets but is it possible that parasites are endangering their lives? Although dogs and cats are generally considered to be rather disease free, they are both susceptible to parasites such as hook worms. Otherwise known as Dipylidium Caninum, the “hook worm” is a particularly nasty parasite that can and…

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Dog Bite Prevent Or Deal With It

Statistics has it that 4.7 million people get bitten by dogs yearly. These bites range from minor nips to major attacks. Dog is man’s best friend, not his worst enemy. To make it stay that way, here are some tips for you to stay away from being bitten by a dog. * How to Avoid being Bitten by A Dog…

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Tips On Taking The Trauma Out Of Vet Visits

Just mention the “V” word, and you’re likely to have frantic felines and cowering canines. But a trip to the vet doesn’t have to be traumatic. Here are some tips for making the experience more pleasant for everyone: * Be calm and upbeat. Animals pick up on our thoughts. If you’re very stressed and anxious, your animal will be too.…

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Becoming The Master Of A Virtual Pet

An animal kept as a pet distinguishes itself from other animals confined within certain human boundaries. Livestock serves a specific purpose, as do laboratory animals, sport animals and working animals such as plow horses. But what purpose do pet animals actually serve? It is not uncommon to see stars and the rich and famous at some red carpet event or…

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What You Need To Know About Vegetarianism

Living healthy requires maintaining a healthy diet. No diet may be healthier than meals dominated by fresh, all-natural vegetables and fruits. Lately, more and more people have shifted to vegetarian meals because scientific research demonstrated the adverse effects of animal meat. Nutritionists explain that the high amount of animal fat present in meat, dairy, and other animal products may be…

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When Lizards Will Not Eat They Have To Eat

Like any animal, lizards at times in captivity will need to be force fed. There are situations and conditions which will result in a lizard not eating on their own. Some diseases lizards can get will result in seizures, or a similar condition. It is imperative not to feed them during an incident like this. They will most likely not…

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Help Struggling Families With Gifts Of Livestock

Somewhere in a forgotten corner of the United States or 47 other countries around the world, a family struggling with hunger and poverty could help sustain itself if it had some livestock. Fortunately, you can fund all or part of the cost of helping such a family through Heifer International, which for more than 50 years has provided farm animals…

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Gardening Without Pests

Deer and raccoons, rabbits and gophers, moles and chipmunks! They capture your heart when in a book or zoo, but when they invade your garden. Oh! That’s a different story. Yet how can a rabbit resist munching on your crisp lettuce? Or a possum or raccoon stay away from your sweet corn patch? And your berries will always be attractive…

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