
5 Tips To Supercharge Your Motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind life-enhancing change. It comes from knowing exactly what you want to do and having an insatiable, burning desire to do what’s necessary to get it. It keeps your dream on track as it is the power of motivation that keeps you going when the going gets tough. Here’s 5 top tips to help you…

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Self Improvement

Controlling Anger

All of us get angry. Some of us get angry very often. Some are able to control the anger. Some of us express our anger freely, whereas some suppress it. Why do we get angry? Is there any way to control the anger? How to do that? We get angry when we are stopped doing something. Or when we don’t…

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Teenage Anger Parenting Tips

I am commonly asked questions like “Why is my teenager always angry with me?” Parents DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY! Teenagers are generally not angry with you they are just plain angry. This anger can vary from resentment right through to actual rage. What you are seeing is not the anger itself but a behavior. The emotion is the anger,…

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Time Management

Anger Management Hypnotism

Anger is one of the most intense of all emotions. It could be described as a strong negative feeling usually caused by our bodily responses to a certain condition. It arises as we are affected by what is presented to us. Anger is usually manifested and expressed in different ways. Reasons for experiencing anger are unique and diverse. You may…

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High Blood Pressure

Poor diet, lack of exercise, intense weight training and some simple activities like public speaking can make your blood pressure jump. The cause for concern arises if it goes up and remains up. It is one of the most important indicator of cardiovascular problems after the age of 65 and hence, it needs to be treated. So if you are…

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Time Management

Control Your Thoughts Manage Your Anger Easily

Having to prove your point on something and wanting to be heard we sometimes feel there is a need to shout. This alternative of shouting or being in the state of anger will make other people feel bad too. Sometimes when there is a feeling that other people is staring at you, your temper goes out of control making you…

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Stress Management

Anger Management Strategies And Advice

This article looks at strategies and gives advice to help people control their anger. I am sure that we all become angry from time to time and want to lash out at the people who are annoying us or who have let us down. This is course is not the answer and the article gives tips on how we should…

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Customer Service

Top 6 Things Not To Do With Angry Customers

1. Don’t make threats. Have you ever said this, “If you don’t calm down, I’m not going to help you.” Or, “If you continue to yell at me, I’m going to have no choice but to terminate this phone call.” If you’ve ever made these, or similar, statements, I’d bet that your sole intent was to regain control of the…

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Self Improvement

Ten Critical De Escalation Skills

Being able to de-escalate one’s own and the anger of others is an important skill to have in business. Hopefully, this is not something the reader deals with on a regular basis but unfortunately most people in business encounter either their own anger or the anger of others more frequently than they would like. In order to be successful at…

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