Wealth Building

Forex Tutorial The Basics Of Forex Analysis

The Forex trading market is an around-the-clock cash market where the currencies of nations are bought and sold, typically via brokers. For example, you buy Euros, paying with U.S. Dollars, or you sell Canadian Dollars for Japanese Yen. Forex prices can change at any moment in response to real-time events, such as political unrest, crude oil prices, inflation, import and…

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Currency Trading

Pros And Cons Of Fundamental Analysis

There are two groups of traders: fundamentalists and technicians. Fundamentalists are traders who use fundamental analysis to predict price action, and technicians are traders who use technical analysis to predict price action. Of course a lot of traders use both types of analysis. Let’s talk today about fundamental analysis, which is based on economic factors. Fundamentalists assume that the supply…

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Wealth Building

Forex Currency Trading The Basics

Forex is the name given to the foreign exchange market, where international currencies are bought and sold. Due to the development of free exchange rates, the market began in the 1970s and has become the world’s largest financial market with a daily turnover of US$1.9 trillion. To put that into perspective, that’s over thirty times the daily turnover of the…

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The Benefits Of A Golf Swing Analyzer

Are you looking to give yourself an edge in the game of golf over your friends. Continually slicing or hooking the ball in the woods on the first tee? A golf swing analyzer is specifically for finding those minute points of your swing mechanics that are causing you to slice, hook, or duff the ball and improve on them. A…

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Wealth Building

Learning Some Good Forex Trading Stragegies

If you’re a potential investment player who’d like to make it big in the business and financial world, then you go for forex trading. The FOREX, also known as the foreign exchange market is one of the largest financial markets in the world with and estimate of $1.5 trillion turn-overs every day. Here are a few strategies on how to…

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Currency Trading

Winning Strategies With Forex Charts

As you read forex charts, remember that the two fundamental approaches for online forex trading: fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis doesn’t rely on forex charts. It scrutinizes political and economic indicators to determine trades. Charts here are deployed as used as a secondary reference. Technical analysis on the other hand, attempts to predict price swings by analysis of…

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