
A Grizzled Professional S Advice For Rookie Photographers

Are you interested in photography? If it sounds like an interesting hobby or a possible source of income in the future, read on. This article is intended to explain a few things about the mechanics of photography. Some of this information will come in handy if you wish to join a forum or group discussion on the topic, which would…

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Computers Technology

Ham Radio

Amateur radio (also called ham radio) is a hobby enjoyed by about 3 million people throughout the world and over 600,000 in the USA alone. It is about communications and the multiple ways of communicating through radio waves. What most people do not know about this hobby and the people that are operators is that they are one of the…

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Web Hosting

Things Amateur Affiliates Do That Pros Don T

There is a big difference between an amateur affiliate dabbling in affiliate marketing and the professional affiliate who is in it for the long haul. The amateur can make a lot of mistakes that will keep him from being a professional, and could learn a lot from looking at what the professionals are doing. Amateur affiliates expect results instantly. Many…

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Astronomy As A Hobby

Beginners in amateur astronomy are faced with a number of different challenges. One of the most daunting is the choice of a telescope. There are countless to choose from and too often there is minimum information on selecting the best one to buy for your specific needs and wants. Clearly, numerous newcomers to the hobby of amateur astronomy are often…

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Amateur Radio Operators Heroes

Amateur radio is a hobby and has over 600,000 radio operators in the USA alone. The hobby is about communications and various ways of communicating via radio waves. What most people do not know about the hobby and the people that are operators is that they are one of the most used groups in a disaster situation. The amateur radio…

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Web Hosting

Amateur Satellite Radio

When OSCAR was launched into space on December 12, 1961, the opportunity for amateur satellite radio transmissions from space was achieved. The satellite belongs to the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation which is an organization that is centered on educating the world about things that occur in space and the technology behind the satellite transmission unit’s capabilities. Many people had already…

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