
Prenuptial Agreements Should They Be A Prerequisite To Marriage

While not exactly the glamorous side of a marriage proposal, the idea of a prenuptial, or ante nuptial, agreement is something that most people about to be married should discuss. In case a marriage doesn’t work or one spouse dies before you have a chance to do a comprehensive estate plan, a prenuptial agreement can safeguard assets, protect one party…

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Real Estate

Purchase Agreement Clauses That Can Save Your Butt

The real estate purchase agreement is more than just a casual offer. The moment you and the seller sign it, it is a legally binding contract. Since you can put what you want in your offer, why not include some of the clauses that smart buyers use to protect themselves and save money? Some suggestions follow. Six Purchase Agreement Clauses…

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Are Prenuptial Agreements Affected By Changed Circumstances

Fundamentally, we are talking about a contract between competent adults, which should ordinarily be enforceable and not subject to modification. Unfortunately, prenuptial agreements are routinely attacked at the time when party or the other seeks to invoke its terms. Clients must therefore understand that contracts for goods or services are different than contracts between married people, or between those who…

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Wealth Building

How To Choose The Right Credit Card

When you are approved for a credit card, you are being given permission to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made to the credit grantor in the future. Believe it or not, you don’t have to have perfect credit in order to be approved for a credit card. The truth is, however,…

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Goal Setting

Four Reasons To Set Group Goals Collaboratively

One of the tasks that come with being a leader is setting goals. Goals for ourselves, to be sure, but often we need set goals for our groups/teams or the larger organization. While we may instinctively know that we should include people in the creation of goals they will be working to achieve, too often the press of time and…

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