
Celebrity Stylist Shares Secrets For Terrific Hair

Hair care expert Tim Rogers, who has among his clients Yoko Ono, Missy Rayder, Diane Sawyer, Kelly Gray, Samantha Boardman and Amanda Peet, combed through some of the secrets he gives celebrities when they have a bad hair day and came up with a few you may use: Q. Any advice on how I can take better care of my…

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Dating Advice For Men Essential Guide

When it comes to dating, it’s not just the women who worry about, will he like me, will we get on, what shall I wear etc etc. In actual fact, most man go through all the above fears just like women do. It would be nice if we could read just one book or article and know everything we need…

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Does Your Body Need Vitamins

Why bother taking vitamins at all? Our forefathers survived just fine without multi vitamin packs, why can’t we? The answer to that question is easy, go look in your cupboards. Our forefathers ate a lot better than we do. High processed, homogenized, pasteurized, canned and prepackaged fast food means less chance of natural occurring vitamins surviving for any length of…

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The Value Of An Expert S Advice

What is the value of an expert’s advice? I have found through experience that it is difficult to put a price on advice that comes from an expert. It is actually invaluable when you consider the cost not only in money, but also what your personal time is worth and what your stress level and lack of distraction from your…

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This Husband Is Stalking His Wife

Each week Burrel Lee Wilks III writes a column in his free weekly newsletter–The Burrel Report–answering questions readers send in, and giving other readers a chance to share their point of view too. Over the next few weeks Burrel has agreed to share his advice with you. Keep an eye open for Burrel and his unique style of “life coaching…

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Debt Consolidation

Debt Relief Agencies

Debt relief can also be provided by other agencies. They can advance you personal loans when you need to pay off the first loan. Strictly speaking this is not debt relief, however just a temporary relief to help you tide over your instant cash needs. These personal loans can carry a hefty interest payout. Therefore it’s important that you pay…

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Benefits Of Online Workouts

If you want to lose weight, get in shape or reduce stress, there are many benefits of choosing an online fitness program over a live personal trainer or expensive gym membership to reach your fitness goals. This article will focus on the most important aspects of online fitness training and why it provides an excellent solution for maintaining your overall…

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