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Masking Tape

Masking tape is an easily removable adhesive tape used to protect surfaces under various conditions. Masking tape can be protective masking tape, paper masking tape or crepe masking tape. Protective masking tape effectively protects finished and easily damaged surfaces. It can be used to shield finished metals, vinyl or plastic laminates, glass and wood against scratches, paints, oils etc. Paper…

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Home Improvement

Careful Handling Of Non Friable Asbestos Vinyl Floor Tile And Adhesive Mastic

Asbestos tiles are non-friable, but improper removal helps to separate and form corners and break into pieces. Non-friable asbestos tiles and adhesive mastic should be removed using procedures like wet methods and breaking the adhesive bonds by flooding, heating, and using dry ice. In wet method, the removal personnel dissolve the Mastic with a suitable solvent. Thereafter they use a…

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