
Dragon Sketches Learn To Draw

Firstly, find some current pictures of Dragons – the older and more mythical..the better. The best type of dragons are those of a traditional scaly dragon, with wings. Inspiration can be found by doing a search for “Welsh Dragons” via Yahoo Images. For the first Dragon Sketch, roughly place the head, body and legs. The flow of the spine and…

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Womens Issues

Moms Have More Fun

Repeat after me… “Moms have more fun!” Doesn’t that feel and sound good? As moms, we work hard keeping our family happy and healthy but what about ourselves? Do you realize how important having a little fun is? By incorporating fun into you life, you will notice a more positive attitude beginning to emerge and you will also see that…

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Adding a Water Feature to Your Yard

If you feel that your backyard is lacking a certain something, a water feature might be just the thing to bring new life to your outdoors. There are many different types of water features to consider, such as a pond or a waterfall. Flowing or still water has a peaceful relaxing quality to it, and water features allow you to…

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Web Hosting

How Do You Get Paid From Your Blog

While blogging may have started as a way for webophiliacs to share their personal reflections on life and find sympathetic audiences, blogging is not what it used to be. There are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of bloggers, and the fact is that blogging is now done as much for profit as it is for pleasure. There…

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How To Make A Wedding Bouquet That Is Interesting And Unusual

Have you ever noticed how most bouquets look the same? Sure, they look beautiful, but they don’t really have much variety. They usually contain flowers and some type of greenery. But who ever said that bouquets only had to contain flowers and greenery? Why can’t they contain something a bit more exciting? Like what? I can hear you asking. Well…

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Where Did The Window Boxes Go

I just happen to love window boxes and miss seeing them in the more modern neighborhoods these days. My neighbors who lived across the street from us had just painted their older rather plain, small house a medium gray with white trim. Clean, but boring I thought. With two large windows on each side of the front door, I had…

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Simple Gourmet Coffee

There are a number of countries that produce coffee and new regions are converting their crops to the mighty bean as our demand for different tasting coffee increases. We are also adding more exotic flavourings to our coffee. It comes as no surprise that the number of coffee shops and stores that sell coffee beans and all the associated paraphernalia…

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Home Improvement

Using Mirrors To Open Up A Home

Many people are shocked when they first begin home shopping. Homes today are built smaller with compact rooms. The trend for building as many homes as possible in any given area is resulting in tiny rooms with little character. A homeowner however can use decorative pieces such as mirrors to help open up their space. If you are interesting in…

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