Health Fitness

Don T Obsess About Food

One of the dangers of dieting is the ‘diet mentality’. The constant need to weigh, measure, count and account for food that most dieters feel can become an obsession with food that comes close to that experienced by someone with an eating disorder. Is it possible to lose weight without becoming obsessed with food? Dr. David Katz, author of “The…

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Basil More Than A Kitchen Plant

A universally known fact is that aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted from plants. One of the most commonly used essential oil in aromatherapy is that of Basil. Basil got its name from the Greek word “basileum” meaning “king”. Considered as “king among plants” as it was one of the ingredients on the list of oils blended to massage kings. Basil…

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Public Speaking

Top 7 Ways To Succeed In The Business Of Speaking

Publishing Guidelines: You are welcome to publish this article in its entirety, electronically, or in print free of charge, as long as you include my full signature file for ezines, and my Web site address in hyperlink for other sites. Please send a courtesy link or email where you publish to me. Thank you. ______________________________________________ Top 7 Ways to Succeed…

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Delight Your Dog With A Natural Dog Treat

As dog owners become more aware of their pet’s nutritional needs, they increasingly recognize the advantage of providing their pets with natural dog treats. Natural dog treats contain no added chemical preservatives or fillers, leaving your dog with straight nutritional value, nothing more. Natural treats also use the highest grade of edible products and processing techniques to ensure they’re even…

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History Of The American Flag Explained

It was on January 1, 1776 that the Continental army was restructured and adjusted according to a Congressional resolution which heralded American forces to the command of George Washington. On that day, the American Continental Army was blockading Boston which had been taken over by the British army. It has been said that the first American flag was made in…

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Web Hosting

Ecommerce And The Supersized Value Meal

Summary: Consumers understand that the money they have at their disposal is a commodity every bit as much as the goods you have in your e-store. You have to earn their trust, provide exemplary customer service and provide the information they need or they will keep looking for the value added service they feel is deserving of their business. There…

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So What S In A Moisturizer

Moisturizers are used by millions of people to restore the moisture level that is found naturally in their skin. As people go through life and face a variety of activities, the skin’s natural layer of protective lipids gets worn away. The result is dry skin and it can be uncomfortable or painful depending on which degree a person has it.…

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