
Narcissism And Evil

In his bestselling “People of the Lie”, Scott Peck claims that narcissists are evil. Are they? The concept of “evil” in this age of moral relativism is slippery and ambiguous. The “Oxford Companion to Philosophy” (Oxford University Press, 1995) defines it thus: “The suffering which results from morally wrong human choices.” To qualify as evil a person (Moral Agent) must…

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Congratulations Valencia Spain

For many years, Valencia Spain has been struggling to be recognized as the third most important city after Madrid, its capital and Barcelona. It has long been notorious for its Valencia Fallas Festival but now, after having been chosen for the Americas Cup host city and having opened its latest building in the impressive ‘City of the Arts and Sciences’,…

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New Law Can Keep Marketplace Competitive

An act now before Congress could ensure the well-being of hundreds of small businesses-and help save consumers money. The Motor Vehicle Owners Right to Repair Act would offer owners greater choice in getting their vehicles serviced. According to leaders of several national aftermarket associations, passage of the act is critical toward ensuring the affordability and convenience of maintaining vehicles for…

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Recreation Sports

Counting Cards How To Escape Detection

It is not a secret for anyone that casinos do not like blackjack counters and frequently ask them to leave or to play another game. Here, we will describe how casino management detects counters and how to act when caught. We also describe the countermeasures that casinos use against skilled players but most of all we show you how to…

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The Power Of Positive Thanking

“Gratitude has a cleansing effect on the soul,” according to spiritual leader and author, Marianne Williamson, “healing us from the inside out.” The very act of saying “thank you” makes us humbler, gentler and more loving people. “When something good happens and we give thanks for it,” she goes on, “then its positive effect expands within us.” What about expressing…

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Raleigh Schools Implement No Child Left Behind Act

Raleigh Schools leaders and teachers may be divided on the effectiveness of nationally mandated requirements. But they’re obligated to adhere to them. On January 8, 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law. Built on four principles, 1.accountability for results, 2.more choices for parents, 3.greater local control and flexibility, 4.and using teaching methods based on scientific research,…

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Traits And Characteristics Of A Serial Killer Part Two

Unorganized serial killers, share a slightly different profile. These types of serial killers tend to have below average intelligent levels and are considered to be socially inadequate; often living alone and someone who does not date. They are usually high school drop outs and have minimal interest in the media. They tend to keep a messy house and have poor…

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Web Hosting

Ebusiness And Spam

No, you don’t have to eat it, but you have to believe it. SPAM is serious business. There is so much spam online that even some of the largest Internet Service Providers are struggling to fight it. The servers are overloaded, the filtering software is far from perfect, and the result is many of your well intended e-mail end up…

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