Internet Business

The World Is Your Marketplace

If you were to open a convenience store, you would think long and hard about the store’s location. It would not make much sense to open it in a remote area with few customers. When you start a website, every person with online access is a potential customer. Have you ever wondered how many people actually use the Internet? Is…

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Proxy Lists

A proxy list is a list of all the working proxy websites. A proxy website is a website which lets you surf anonymously and it allows you to access the websites which have been blocked by a content filter. How does this work – A proxy website allows you to enter the URL of the website which you wish to…

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Security Management Software And Hardware To Keep Your Investment Secure

Security management is essential to any company. There are many different aspects of security management including Computer Network security, Entry Identification and Logging system and Fire Detection and Prevention. Companies are increasingly using programmed magnetic or chipped Identity Cards for employees that allow access only to specific parts of the site. The system records every entry and exit made, meaning…

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Web Hosting

All About E Books

Children of all ages enjoy reading books alone or with a parent. With the popularity of the internet though they can read them online as well. An electronic book, commonly referred to as an e-book, allows them to access them on the home computer, at the library, and even on a laptop. You can also invest in various software programs…

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The Future Of Libraries

Imagine a time when you could get any audio book you want to read from the library without having to physically visit the library to lend the audio books. Well, imagine no more because it is now possible. Public libraries from New York City to Alameda, California are now leading the packs of libraries that have begun allowing members to…

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Digital Certificates And Secure Web Access

Introduction This article describes the use of Digital Certificates as a mechanism for strongly authenticating users to web sites where identity information is required. Before the advent of digital certificates the only option for authenticating users to a site was to assign a username and password. Digital certificates on the other hand provide for much more robust access control and…

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Web Hosting

Satellite Internet Vs Cable Internet

Cable TV versus satellite television is an old rivalry that can be seen discussed on TV at all hours of the day. The comparison seems to end however when it comes to satellite internet and cable internet access. This seems strange as cable and satellite companies are pushing packaged services over anything else. So, which is the superior Internet service…

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