Health Fitness

Treatment For Amd

Till now there is no effective cure for age-related macular degeneration. This is mainly because little is known about the cause of age-related macular degeneration. Several new treatments are in the clinical stage and most of the existing treatments only delay the progress of the disease. Dry AMD: There is no effective cure for dry AMD but if detected at…

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Womens Issues

Abnormal Or Excessive Vaginal Bleeding Myths And Facts

Excessive vaginal discharge in addition to your regular menstrual cycle could be quite troublesome if proper care is not being taken by you. This bleeding occurs from the vagina during menstrual periods but is heavier than normal discharge. Abnormal bleeding of the vagina is caused due to factors such as intake of contraceptive pills causing bleeding during normal periods, hormonal…

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Health Fitness

Is Autism The Consequence Of Genetic Dysfunctions

Autism is a complex neurological disorder that involves abnormalities at the level of the central nervous system. Although the specific causes of autism in remain unknown, it seems that acquired or inherited genetic dysfunctions have a very important role in the occurrence of the syndrome in people. Recent experiments conducted on mice have proved that there is a clear connection…

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