Womens Issues

A Quick Guide On How To Get Pregnant

Congratulations! So you’ve decided to take the big step into becoming a parent. While it is one of the most important things a person can do in their life, it is also the most challenging and the first challenge is conceiving. Many people assume that once they stop taking contraception they will immediately conceive. Our bodies are slightly more complicated…

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Womens Issues

New Help For Menstrual Migraines

Women are three times more likely to have migraines than men. This differential does not begin until the females reach puberty. Sixty per cent of women have migraines related to the menstrual cycle. About fourteen per cent have migraines purely coordinated with menses. Could menstrually related migraines be solely linked to estrogen? That would be like saying migraines are only…

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Womens Issues

Problems During Urination Needs Attention

Women face painful urination mostly during pregnancy. This could be due to urinary tract infection, vaginal infection or other sexually transmitted disease. Painful urination is also called dysuria and if caused due to common reasons then it can be easily treated. The chances of urinary tract infection increases with increase in age and if a person is sexually active. If…

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Womens Issues

10 Great Hair Care Tips

If you watch the tabloids, you know that even the stars have bad hair days. It just seems that when the professional stylists are out of the picture, it is inherently human to have a less than glamorous mane. But you can do your part to stay ahead of the battle by following these great tips for hair care. 1.…

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Womens Issues

Fragrance Is It Natural

95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. It has been estimated that more than 3000 different chemmcials are used in fragrance production. Do these figures shock you? Yes, manufacturers are very clever – we see the packaging and the adverts showing flowers and nature, and we assume (as the manufacturer intends us to assume) that…

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Womens Issues

Easing Menstrual Cramps By Using Home Remedies

Menstruation is a common occurrence in every woman’s life. Unwanted pain and cramps are part and parcel of this occurrence. It is like meeting a guest you do not want to see in your life. These cramps may not stay for long. But the little time it stays, surely leaves an impact. If this pain continues for more than 48…

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Womens Issues

Fertility And Your Fertile Soil

So just what are the ingredients for the fertile soil in a woman’s body that supports healthy pregnancy and birth? This is an important question for a woman trying to conceive. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has some solid contribution on the topic…First, a woman’s blood must be ample, nutritionally and hormonally healthy, and flowing unimpeded throughout the body and, in…

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