
Beer Culture

Social context Many social traditions and activities are very associated with drinking beer, such as playing cards, darts, or other games. The consumption of beer in isolation and excess may be associated with people drinking away their troubles, while drinking in excess with company may be associated with binge drinking. Around the world All over the world, beer is consumed.…

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Delicious Oolong Tea Blends

If you’re ready for something a little different at tea time, try a flavored oolong tea. Many Westerners have not experienced the delicious flavor of oolong tea in any form. With a different flavor than black, green or white teas, oolongs are a rare treat. When paired with another flavor, oolong teas are quite exceptional. Oolong tea is very popular…

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Combating Cancer With A Cup Of Tea

Generations of families in India and Asia have been turning to tea to cure what ails them. Back in the year 1191, a Zen priest penned a work entitled the Book of Tea, which told how green tea could benefit at least five vital organs, including the heart. At that time, green tea was thought to improve urinary and brain…

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Gourmet Coffee You Can T Resist The Second Cup

Could you ever resist the craving to have a second cup of that beautiful, strongly aromatic and lazily steaming cup of coffee? Perhaps no one can do it. A passionate Gourmet’s delight, freshly brewed, thick and dark brown and irresistible coffee just brightens up your day like no other drink or anything else can do. Why Is Gourmet Coffee So…

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Decadent Chocolate Dessert Recipes A Celebration

People now days have little time to cook decent meals for themselves and their family let alone find the time to make a dessert of any kind. There is however nothing better than enjoying a home-made dessert and what with the huge selection of dessert, especially chocolate dessert, recipes to choose from it is easier than you think. Although a…

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A Good Coffee Mug Makes The Difference

Everyone has their favorite and you are no exception when it comes to your favorite coffee mug. It is special and you like the feel of it in your hands and are really disappointed if someone else in the family is already using it for their beverage. What makes a good coffee mug? Who knows? Each person has their own…

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French Press Coffee Maker

For millions of people a cup of coffee in the morning is the spark plug to get them started and able to face the battles they may encounter during the day. There are several different types of coffee one can choose from in order to suit their specific tastes. In addition, there are numerous different ways to prepare your coffee…

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Tea Quality White Tea

Drinking white tea is the newest trend for many of today’s tea drinkers. Drinking white tea, however, is not really new. The Chinese have been drinking white tea since at least the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.). It gained greater popularity in China during the Song Dynasty when the emperor Hui Zhong declared white tea to be the most elegant form…

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