Trucks Suvs

Cheap Hybrid Cars

In addition to developing gas efficient vehicles, the push is on to produce cheap hybrid cars for mass production. The cost remains relatively high for hybrid technology, despite it being on the road since 1997 and improved technology. Vehicle weight continues to be one of the roadblocks to cheap hybrid cars, and with more people believing in the technology, they…

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Trucks Suvs

How To Build Your Own Sports Car

Cars have long since been held as a fascinating piece of engineering and the vehicle has come a long way since the invention of the wheel. Boys and to some extent girls are into playing with cars from a young age and for many this fascination goes on to become a hobby. Some collect, others learn to drive and drive…

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Trucks Suvs

Performance Improvement Using A Fuel Booster

Adding an optimizing fuel your diesel machinery or vehicles can vastly improve the performance of your vehicles. This is something that farmers who have known about biodiesel blends for years. However nowadays you can also get fuel boosters that are commercially created for both gasoline and diesel run vehicles to make them perform better. Here are some facts about how…

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Trucks Suvs

Protecting Your Chevy Truck Seats

One of the great on-the-road ironies is that while you’re sitting comfortably in your seat driving along, the seat itself is going through a huge amount of abuse. From dirty clothes to wet swimsuits, slobbering pets, kids eating in the backseat and the harsh sunlight shining in, there are a lot of potential options out there to ruin or wear…

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Trucks Suvs

Orbital Air Sander

For any sanding or polishing jobs that require an excellent finish, on almost any surface, an orbital air sander is the tool that you need. Orbital sanders have quickly become the tool of choice for anyone wanting to either prepare a surface for painting, or alternatively, to get a superb finish afterwards. An orbital air sander is a flexible and…

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Trucks Suvs

Pros And Cons Of Buying Used Harley Davidson Part

In the event where you need a replacement part for your Harley-Davidson motorcycle, you either find a brand new part or a used one to replace the defective part. Both can be done of course but let us focus our attention on the used Harley-Davidson part. When we say used Harley-Davidson part, we mean part that has been installed and…

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Trucks Suvs

The Legacy Of John Delorean

John Delorean is probably most remembered as the creator of the time traveling car in the ‘Back to the Future’ movies. Many will also recall that his gull winged car failed miserably on the open market and as a result he turned to illegal and shady dealings to try and save his company. Lost in the glitter and drama of…

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Trucks Suvs

What A Load Of

Non-truckers often don’t stop and think about the trucking industry and the many trucking companies that help keep the economy going. Without those big rigs hauling various loads, whether it is gasoline, office supplies or grocery items, this country would be at a stand still. Where do you think the gasoline you pump comes from? What about that package of…

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