Time Management

Smoking Cannabis Is Considered Addictive

Marijuana or cannabis is a plant that can induce hallucinations in an individual. During the 1970s, smoking cannabis became extremely popular and many people ended up addicted to it. Just like smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol, people who have cannabis addiction experience emotions like depression, anxiety and sadness. By smoking cannabis, they feel better about themselves. It becomes an escape…

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Time Management

Public Speaking Tips How To Captivate Your Audience

Public speaking is all about performance, whether this is on an auditorium stage, in a small room or a huge arena. Holding the attention of your audience throughout your presentation or speech is an area well documented in any public speaking course. Once you’ve learned how to prepare your notes, conquered your fear of public speaking and brushed up your…

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Time Management

Autism The Range Of Function

Autism is a syndrome that comes from exhibiting certain combinations or patterns of behavior. Low functioning autism is the term used to describe autistic individuals that are not able to function or deal with every day life. Normal to high functioning autism is used to describe people that exhibit autistic behaviors that are in fact able to deal with real…

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Time Management

All In A Days Work In 2 Easy Steps

Is your list of tasks and projects getting bigger by the day? It seems that your day is out of control. You know what I mean? The phone is ringing off the hook. Your emails are piling up. Your desk is becoming a mess. Papers are stacking up. You go from task to task. You are eating lunch at your…

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Time Management

The Fear Of Being Alone

Gina consulted with me because her marriage was falling apart. She had discovered that her husband was having yet another affair, and when he was with her, he was either angry or withdrawn. She had requested numerous times that he join her in couples therapy, but he had no interest in healing their relationship. Gina was financially independent and could…

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Time Management

Self Improvement The Foundation Of Success

Many people have dreams, ambitions,or goals but do not know how to go about achieving them. They may have thought about self improvement and what their ideal life would consist of, but have no idea how to even begin to make the plans and take the actions required to make this a reality. How can one tell if a person…

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Time Management

What Is You Business Development Strategy

Developing a business requires a strategy. You must be clear about your methods and objectives to be able to quantify your goals. Aside from the capital required, business development will predominantly depend on how you manage your people as well as your resources. To be successful in your business development, you should first be aware of some of the most…

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Time Management

Get Over A Break Up With Hypnosis

Being in a loving relationship is what everyone dreams of. If you are in a relationship, you usually try your best to make it work. You try to devote your time, give your partner the attention she needs and even make some personal compromises. Unfortunately, not all relationships work out the way you want to. As time passes, you or…

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Time Management

Misunderstandings About Depression

” They canceled ‘Wedding Belles.’ Boy, am I depressed.” “The price of gas is really depressing me.” “I’m turning 40 next month. What a depressing thought.” Go ahead and add your own cry of pain to the list, and then stop and ask why, if you are truly clinically depressed, you were watching a TV series as light an frothy…

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