
Rosemary A New Treatment For Low Blood Pressure

Rudolf Weiss, the German herbalist, has some interesting ideas on low blood pressure. He describes it as being simply an aspect of a more deep seated problem. He also believes that when people have low blood pressure but no symptoms, that it does not require treatment. I do not suggest that this should replace your doctor’s advice though! But I…

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The Health Risks Associated With The Use Of Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are classed as illegal drugs and are banned by most legitimate sports organizations. There can be no disputing the fact that testosterone boosts the development of muscle mass and aids sporting performance. Equally there is no doubt that its use can adversely affect the health and wellbeing of users. The androgenic properties of testosterone can affect the body…

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Human Growth Hormone Playing An Anabolic Role In The Body

HGH or human growth hormone is a protein hormone of 190 amino acids, which is synthesized and secreted by the Somatotroph cells (hence called Somatotropin) in the anterior pituitary. The genes for human growth hormone are localized in the q22-24 region of chromosome 17. The structure of HGH includes four helices necessary for functional interaction with the GH receptor. Structurally,…

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Coral Calcium Supplement Information Questions And Answers

Question: What exactly is coral calcium? Answer: Quite simply, coral calcium is a source of calcium found in the oceans of the world. The reason people make such a fuss about the benefits of this nutrient as a supplement are many. For one, coral calcium contains calcium, magnesium, and trace minerals that the human body require, and what’s more, coral…

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Herbal Natural Supplements Allergy Relief

Learn the best natural allergy treatment methods, strengthen your immune system, providing adrenal support, and review the best vitamins, minerals, and herbs for fighting allergies… There are cures for allergies. Allergies can be managed with proper prevention and treatment. Many people seek allergy relief naturally since this can be a powerful method of strengthening the immune system, minimizing allergy symptoms,…

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Acidophilus Acidophilus May Help Patients With Small Bowel Obstruction

A study carried out by the National Taiwan University Hospital and the National Taiwan University, College of Medicine in Taipei, determined that patients with partial bowel obstruction may improve with oral intake of laxatives, acidophilus, and simethicone. According to some specialists, patients with partial adhesive small-bowel obstruction are usually managed conservatively, receiving intravenous hydration and nothing by mouth. “Previous studies…

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What Are The B Complex Vitamins

There is much discussion about the B complex vitamin and how it is essential for the body to perform a multitude of functions. However, the B complex vitamin is not just one big complicated vitamin, as the name may imply. There are actually eight B vitamins in the B complex vitamin as well as a few other related substances. The…

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Understanding Vitamins Such As B Complex

Vitamins are a huge part of our society. Although many vitamins help the body reach and maintain optimal health, one of the most beneficial vitamins is B complex. Comprised of a group of vitamins to include vitamin B1 or Thiamine, B2, which is the same as Riboflavin, B3 or Niacin, B5 or Panthothenic Acid, B6, which is Pyridoxine, B7 or…

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Malic Acid A Good Supplement

You may not know what malic acid is, which is okay because many people don’t exactly know what it is anyway. It is an organic acid that helps the process of deriving ATP. That is the energy currency that runs the body from food. Basically malic acid helps in the production of energy. Malic acid can also be called fruit…

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Cancer Are You A Believer

First, we must settle one of two issues before you continue reading this article. The first issue is straight forward, a “direct-punch-to-the-nose” kind of a question: Do you believe cancer is “beatable?” I don’t mean, “Sometime in the future…” I think everyone believes “some day”, “somewhere”, “someone” will discover the cure. Nor do I mean anything like, “Is cancer treatable…

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