
Scientific Explanations For Remote Viewing

Eighteenth and nineteenth century physical science had completed and embellished the “golden age of a mechanistic and deterministic models of the universe” where the universe and its constituents are ruled by rigid interactive forces that can be measured, phenomena that can be predicted using mathematical tools, and where the universe or any system operating within it is made of the…

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Jesus Loves Me

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “When you get this concept into your mind and heart it will totally revolutionize your life.” That’s just the way the Lord said it to me. And just what is this revolutionary concept? His all-consuming, unconditional love for me. (And each of you can say the same.) Jesus loves me! This I know For…

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Pass It On Sincerity Is No Substitute For The Truth

I don’t know where this advice originated and I have heard variations of it over the last quarter century. It has a level of common sense to it that can’t be argued against very easily by anyone. It does, however, create a formidable argument against the glibly spoken and oft repeated idea that all religions point to God. In the…

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Accessing Your Spiritual Guidance

For the last 35 years, I have been working with individuals, couples and families, as well as business relationships. I have 8 published books on relationships and healing, some of them best-sellers. In the first half of my career, I worked as a traditional psychotherapist, and was not happy with the results. In the last 18 years I have worked…

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Appealing For A Psychic Reading

Nowadays, you will find more people choosing to seek guidance from a psychic helpline than from psychoanalyst or from a priest. Perhaps the advice of the priest is too restrictive and, in some parts of the world, the church does not manage to follow up the speed of the modern life. Psychological counseling may be too expensive and too pretentious…

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, There’s a song which has dominated my attention for the past couple of weeks. From the first time I heard it, I began to play it so many times I’ve lost count. I think it’s a beautiful song, of course, but there’s so much more to it than that. The song is titled “Captivate…

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Tai Chi

Tai Chi The answer to this question lies in another question, “What are you looking for?” If you are not happy with any area of your life today, then Tai Chi can help you. I have been studying and teaching the tai chi Health Arts for over twenty years. During this time I have learnt that the answer to all…

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The Truth Behind Belly Energies And Psychic Abilities

Communications from spirit Guides and ghosts is somewhat of a mystery to most of us, but yet there are those who say they can openly communicate with other-worldly beings they call Guides and ghosts. There are a variety of ways in which a Guide or a departed spirit can communicate with a medium or psychic. Often these communications are through…

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