
How To Renew Your Mind For Healing

A renewed mind, in the Biblical sense, is a mind that is so saturated with Scripture that it thinks Scripture when a crisis hits, rather than relying on wits for a solution to the crisis. In other words, our minds are renewed when it is so saturated with the word of God that we think Scripture when decision time arrives,…

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The Miracle Of Self Forgiveness

Our hearts melted into one another’s in instant recognition during that first hug. Two bodies reunited after 36 years…two spirits that had never been separated. The gap of time was instantly filled during that one moment of reunion. The bond of mother and daughter can never be broken. Only shame, guilt and remorse fed the fire of apparent separation. Only…

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Healing With Neither Power Nor Holiness

Thank God that our level of power or holiness has nothing to do with our ability to get our selves or our loved ones healed. Take the case of Peter. In Acts 3, he used the name of Jesus to get the man lying at the Temple Gate healed. In so doing, he declared that his (Peter’s) level of power…

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Be Courageous

Courage is defined as greatness of heart, spirit to meet danger, and boldness. God commanded Joshua three times to be strong and have good courage and assured him of His constant presence if His commandments were obeyed. (Josh. 1:8-9) He promised that: “the eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the…

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Getting Your Children Excited About Church

No matter what religion you belong to, many people in today’s modern society find that their children often don’t enjoy attending Church, and some even downright dread it. Unless your everyday life is steeped in religion, children often look at attending Church as a chore that must be done. If you are trying to raise your children to believe in…

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Confessions From A Biblical Counselor

My views of counseling when I became a Christian back in the late 1960’s was the same as everyone else, i.e., if you need help, you get out the yellow pages of the telephone book, look up a counselor and make an appointment. Little or no regard was given to the type of counseling or the counselor’s credentials. It wasn’t…

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An Introduction To The New Age Becoming A Psychic

People who accept the realm of the paranormal and unnatural are certain that people in the beginning are born with psychic powers but only few becomes a psychic. There are two types of psychics that we believe in; the “natural born” and those with little powers within them. The “natural born” psychics are said to be the gifted as they…

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Burials At Sea

With the UK being an island and as a result of our maritime heritage, burials at sea are a common desire for those with a sea fairing background. Organising a sea burial can be a complicated task and is not encouraged by UK authorities due to environmental and legal concerns which are faced. Before a burial can proceed a licence…

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Christmas Season Versus Holiday Season

In the United States, the month of December is the Christmas Season, not the Holiday Season. To the best of my knowledge there is only one holiday in December recognized by our government. December 25 was made a legal holiday in order to celebrate the birth of Christ. There are no other legal holidays during the month of December. Chanukah,…

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