
Build A Romance Bridge

Ever run into a brick wall, so to speak, with your mate? Can’t seem to pass “Go” without collecting 200 fresh wounds? Well, it’s time to build a bridge and tear down that brick wall. Here are your tools: ATTITUDE – Get an attitude adjustment first. Lighten up and do a 180-degree about face. Read the Sunday comics, grab an…

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Are Friends Happy Being With You

We all have different style of talking, laughing, smiling, responding and communicating. Some of us are a comfort for others. We enjoy being with some people and we don’t enjoy some people. What is the difference between these persons? Why one persons presence enlivens the gathering an other person dulls it? What are the qualities needed to make one self…

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Love Are You Similar To Each Other

How similar are you with your partner? Agreed that both of you are in love, and enjoy each other’s togetherness. You like each other and want to live together till you die. You may say that you love him/her with your body and soul. What about similarities between both of you? Is your love result of these similarities? Or despite…

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Date Lying

A reader of my articles wrote to me about the article I wrote entitled, “Why do People Lie?” He said that he would be “very interested in a similar article with examples about all the lying that women do….At least in the initial stages of dating, women lie sooooo much.” Well, being a woman, I’m not as aware of how…

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A Love Spell Could Put Some Magic In Your Love Life

Have you ever had a secret love and wished that person would notice you and be attracted to you? Have you longed to develop a loving relationship with someone special, but found that your best efforts don’t seem to be good enough? Have you desired a stronger and deeper relationship with your lover or special friend, but come to accept…

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Relationships And Poor Communication

To communicate means to tell about our feelings, and our thoughts. When we communicate, our words may not say precisely what is in our mind, but when somebody takes our body language and words together, he/she can probably find out what we really want to communicate. Understanding communication and making communication is both an art and a science. But it…

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Friends With Benefits Can It Work

Is there ever such a thing as “No Strings Attached?” Can a friendship between two people withstand casual sex? Or is that just an idealistic concept? One night stands aren’t as in as they used to be. Now lovers are coupling up for more long term sex. It’s called “Friends with Benefits”. They get all the benefits of a relationship…

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Communication And The Male Female Interpretations

Unfortunately, the simple act of communicating with one another can lead to confused messages, or messages being missed entirely. This is especially true when it comes to communication between men and women. It’s no wonder there’s conflict, when they interpret the same conversation in different ways. This is because of the different conversational styles of men and women. Many examples…

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You Love Them Because They Re Funny

For years I heard woman after woman say after obviously falling in love, “He’s so funny! I just love that about him.” Often after someone has lost a family member, they’ll say “I’ll always remember her smile, the way she laughed, the little jokes she would tell to lighten the mood.” Could it be we love people who have a…

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Flowers To Touch The Heart

Roses, daffodils, tulips, violets, chrysanthemums. The perfect way to melt the heart of every woman in your life is with flowers. Flowers touch that special place inside of every woman and lets them know that you care. Whether it is your wife, girlfriend, or mom, flowers speak the universal language of affection and appreciation. Sending flowers is a tangible way…

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