
A Sizzling Way To Celebrate Cinco De Mayo

Cinco de Mayo not only marks a heralded Mexican holiday, but also provides an opportune time to bring out the grill and turn your backyard BBQ into fiesta. While tequila, Mexico’s most renowned export, is most commonly used in margaritas, it also makes an excellent marinade ingredient for grilling: Golden Margarita Glaze Brush on a little fiesta flavor every time…

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The Secret Of Christmas Candies

What is Christmas without treats? Does it really seem like Christmas without them? All those delicious candies are a delight fit for the holidays. Candy making is more of an art but there is some science to it. You must balance creativity with skill and incorporate some technical procedures that are sometimes hard to comprehend. Wait, here’s where we can…

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Pumpkin A Super Food

Think of the word pumpkin and images of jack-o-lanterns and whipped cream covered Thanksgiving pies will probably pop into your mind. Pumpkin is traditionally considered a holiday food and is a staple in our kitchen pantries and freezers during that festive time of the year. However, did you know that pumpkin now heralded as one of the ‘Super Foods?’ According…

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3 Great Coconut Shrimp Recipes

If you love coconut shrimp, here are three different, but very good coconut shrimp recipes to try. Coconut Beer Batter Fried Shrimp with Pineapple Salsa 2 eggs 1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup beer 1 tablespoon baking powder 2 lb. medium shrimp, peeled and deveined coconut oil 3 cups grated coconut Seasoning mix: 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 2-1/4 teaspoons salt…

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Easy Steak Diane Recipe

Steak Diane is a classical and tasty meat dish that is a classic in white-tablecloth restaurants and, to properly be served, must be prepared at tableside. This presentation is a great way to impress your guests or perfect for that special romantic dinner! 2 boneless beef top loin steaks, cut 1-inch thick (about 1 1/4 lbs.) 1 tsp. grated lemon…

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Lift Your Soul With A Good Bowl Of Chili

“Next to music there is nothing that lifts the spirits and strengthens the soul more than a good bowl of chili.” – Harry James. Source: When your day has been hard and your soul is longing for the comforts of home, what better to come home to but a delicious bowl of heartwarming chili. The hearty dish has been…

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Food Of The Future 40 Years In The Making

Forty years ago, a first-class stamp cost a nickel, a new science fiction television show called “Star Trek” made its debut and a tasty topping began its crunchy history of enhancing salads, baked potatoes and Americans’ cupboards. General Mills first tested Bac-Os as a better-for-you alternative to bacon in select markets in 1965. Bit by bit, the product’s popularity took…

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Healthy Entertaining The Sweet Benefits Of Raisins

Party food doesn’t have to be fattening. There are a number of festive, delicious-and healthful-dishes you can serve at parties and get-togethers. For instance, dishes prepared with California raisins are tangy, flavorful and provide numerous health benefits. California raisins are loaded with vitamins, minerals, powerful anti-oxidants, potassium, vitamin B6, and they are also fat- and cholesterol-free. Here is a sampling…

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Warm Up To Frozen You Can Make A Scrumptious Ravioli Meal In Minutes

These aren’t your grandfather’s frozen foods! The variety, quality and taste of today’s Freezer Favorites have surpassed the well-known convenience of frozen foods years ago. You now have many choices for warm, delicious, home-cooked meals, from your freezer to the table in minutes. There may be no better time to enjoy these delicious foods than during March National Frozen Food…

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From Seed To Plate Easy Organic Growing

Purchasing organic foods is a rapidly growing trend in the U.S. and all signs say that going organic is no passing fad. Today, a majority of Americans (74 percent) purchase organic food and beverages because they believe it is healthier-and safer-for themselves and their families. Recent evidence suggests that organically grown crops contain higher levels of vitamin C, polyphenols (naturally…

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