
Go For A Cat Instead

I know many people that are considering getting a pet for themselves or for family members of friends. When I ask most of them what kinds of pets they are considering they sort of laugh and say that “they are only considering dogs, of course.” I’m not sure what causes this particular response in people, but I have done my…

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Make Your Pet Look Good And Healthy

Only pet health does not matter to keep your pet fit and healthy, but the out look for your pet is also count. When we keep pet in our house, we not only have to concern about their health but also the way we keep them. As the way of keeping your pet can affect our body. Now the pet…

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Dog Worming

Dog Worming. Regular worming is essential to protect your dog against internal parasites. This involves giving it preparations in liquid or tablet form. Adult dogs should be wormed at least once a year, and at least once every six months if in contact with children. Dogs showing any signs of infection should be wormed immediately and all breeding bitches should…

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Pest Control Measures For Effective Flea Prevention

Fleas: The unwanted guests in your home. Fleas are a common cause of irritation and infestation in your home. These unwanted guests can be found in your home and in large quantities. Out of the total flea population found in your home, about 80% of the fleas are still at the egg or larvae stage. These fleas can be found…

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Rottweiler Historical Facts

Driving cattle was Rottweilers main historic function.. Rottweilers had another historic job besides driving cattle to the butcher. It is the same job that the Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs and Bernese Mountain Dogs, also in the Working group, are best known for. You see, like their Swiss cousins, Rottweilers are drovers that were also used as draft dogs for centuries.…

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Boxer Dog Training

The Boxer is an amazing dog and is extremely playful, energetic and definitely a handful (in a good way of course). This breed if dog is extremely loyal and when a friendship is built it lasts forever. The boxer is unique and not for everyone, if you are a new owner of a boxer you have to be aware that…

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Going From The Pinch Collar To The Soft Collar

[Adam’s replies denoted by ‘>>’ within original question] Dear Adam: My pup is a 8 month-old male Labrador. I have read your “Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer.” I have also just finished 8 private lessons with a trainer using the pinch collar. My question is: With the pinch collar on the lab works well; put a soft collar he…

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Dog House Building And Buying Guide

Dog owners have to consider several factors when buying or building a house for their pets. As a true member of your own family, providing your pet with the best home possible is of the utmost importance. i. Size A German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Rottweiler and other large dogs should have large houses, while the Chihuahua and smaller breeds will…

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Dogs Make Me Smile

I am the owner of two miniature dachshunds who share my house and home. Many dog owners would rephrase that and instead call me the human who shares the house with the dogs. Dogs are indeed wonderful creatures. Recent experiences have made me reflect upon and notice things about dogs and their presence in my life. I grew up with…

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Reef Tank Lighting

Reef Tank lighting is one of the most important aspects of reef keeping and undoubtedly the most discussed debated and disagreed about too! Proper lighting intensity is essential for the corals to carry out the process of photosynthesis, the process through which they create energy needed to survive and grow. Whatever the approach or equipment be, the ultimate goal of…

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