
Survival Skills

Survival skills just for backpacking? Why not? For ultralight backpackers like myself, skills replace gear, and therefore weight. If you spend any time in the wilderness, it also just feels good to know you can deal with whatever comes up. Survival means staying warm and dry, hydrated, uninjured, and finding your way out of the wilderness. Of course, eating is…

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Keith James President Jack Rouse Associates On Doing Business In The Emerging Markets

Jack Rouse Associates (JRA) celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. The group of designers, writers, producers and project managers based in Cincinnati, Ohio, named by the Wall Street Journal as “one of the world’s more prominent design firms”, promotes its ability to conceive, visualise and realise exceptional experiences for museums, corporations and entertainment clients worldwide. As part of this global…

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Take An African Safari

There are endless ways to vacation in today’s world. Air travel makes it possible to get almost anywhere in the world in thirty hours or less. The local park or the state right next door are no longer our only reasonable vacation options. We can go on huge cruise ships and explore the beauty of the seas or we can…

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Informative Weather Information Read This Article And Become Informed About The Weather And Ways The Affects Our Everyday Lives

Weather is not the same as climate. Climate is the average condition of the weather, such as average temperatures, amounts of rain or snow, averages of sunshine, wind, and humidity, and the number of days when certain weather conditions may be expected in a month or year. Everybody is affected in mind and body by climate and changes in the…

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Hoi An The Colour Of A City

Everyone who ever traveled to Hoi An knows that as early as the 16th century, it was well renownead as a frenetic and animated trading port and a popular stopover for both foreign traders and travelers. Crews of trading ships from East Asia to Western Europe turned the port city, as a special exception of history, into a rendezvous and…

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Children S Summer Camps Are They Really Good For Our Children

During the school session, schoolteachers are responsible for enriching your kid’s life through various activities and other mental stimulations. But in the summers this responsibility shifts to parents. Summer camps are good for children as well as for parents, as they allow parents to work freely without being worried about their children. Children summer camps are really good for your…

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Riding The Trains In Italy

The first time I arrived in Italy by train it felt completely different to anywhere I’d travelled already. It was the summer of 2000 and I had been travelling for a nearly 2 weeks. I was more than relieved when the train pulled out of Nice on that bright August morning, what a misnomer, Nice was in my eyes not…

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Why Range Finders Are Perfect For The Backcountry

Outdoor enthusiasts love to guess about all sorts of things. We guess how many stars are in the Milky Way, we guess how fast a deer runs or we might even guess about how long it will be until that big, dark cloud dumps rain us. But there are times when guessing in the backcountry just doesn’t get the job…

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