
Terrific Ways To Stay Hydrated And Healthy

Dehydration is among the most common heat-related dangers for children and adults, so making sure your family meets their daily fluid intake needs should be at the top of your “To Do” list. Dehydration can cause dizziness, nausea and weakness. “The human body is made up of about 60 percent water and can experience dehydration with only a two percent…

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10 Tips To A Healthy Football Season

From the word go, the Football season seems provide a plethora of reasons to eat badly. It starts near Labor Day, and goes right on past to New Years. Typically during this time of year our eating habits include foods and drinks that are so delicious, yet carry negative effects. So I thought how could someone have a fun football…

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Healthier Meals Start At Home

Here’s food for thought: Eating at home benefits consumers in more ways than one. Not only can it be less expensive to prepare food at home, but it can be far healthier to enjoy a wholesome, home-cooked meal. To begin with, when you prepare the meal you know exactly what’s on everybody’s plate. According to the Alliance for Affordable Services,…

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Eating A Healthy Dinner A Simple Matter Of Planning

Dinner is probably the healthiest meal for most of us. We often overlook breakfast and eat lunch on the run, but for dinner, most of us take more time in preparing and planning how to eat a balanced, healthy dinner. But there’s also a lot of pressure on dinner. It’s the last meal of the day and if you are…

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Healthy Ways To Boost Your Energy

Getting an energy boost that can keep you going all day often means sacrificing good nutrition. Few foods give you the kick that a cup of coffee, a can of cola or a sugary candy bar can. If you’re watching your weight, the challenge is finding foods that can not only give you a boost, but are good for you…

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Naturally Sweet And Healthy The Wonders Of Stevia

Stevia (STEE-vee-uh) is an outstanding, sweet tasting herb that has remarkable health promoting qualities. The sweetness of Stevia is largely due to its complex stevioside molecule that is composed of glucose, sophorose and steviol. A second compound called rebaudioside, which is present in Stevia, also contributes to Stevia’s sweetness. Stevia has a taste that is unique and has been described…

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Fishy Diet Healthy Eating

Include fish in your healthy eating plan. Many nutrition experts recommend eating fish at least once or twice every week. The most nutritious varieties of fish, and those that contain the greatest amounts of heart protecting omega-3 fatty acids, tend to be those that live in cold ocean waters. These varieties of fish include salmon and sardines. It is hard…

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What Is A Healthy Diet

What is a healthy diet? It’s not about counting calories, measuring portions or cutting carbs. You won’t really find a healthy diet on the lite menu at your favorite restaurant and you certainly won’t find it at the local fast food joint. A healthy diet is all about what you eat rather than how much you eat. If you think…

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