
Home Based Remedy For Animal Bites

You are an avid animal lover. Dogs and cats are the most favoured animals. But at times they are not that attractive. They are responsible for more than a million bites the world over, with children suffering from half of them. Cats love to scratch their nails on your body. Your other pet hamster has bitten your fingers. Your parrot…

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Eczema Causes And Treatment

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is characterized by a red itchy rash that is scaly and is oozing in some cases. The condition can appear on the arms and legs, cheeks, forehead, and in body parts such as knees and elbows where there are creases. In some cases, skin will have a leathery feel and even crack or blister.…

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Acupressure Is More Than Just Massaging

Acupressure is one the oldest Chinese traditions used to cure many of our health problems. It involves use of pressure by your hand, elbow and other means. This form of healing has been in existence for more than 5,000 years. A technique recommended by many and has been used world over. It is a simple method if you know how…

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Your Helpful Guide To Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a very fatal disease that mainly causes motor impairment that may damage the brain. This results in the symptoms of mental retardation that can be seen in young children. These children with mental disabilities have to face serious problem in interaction with their parent and society. The main causes of Cerebral Palsy in newborn babies. The actual…

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Choosing A Proper Dentist

Oral health receives a lot of of attention these days with the resurgence of modern teeth whitening systems and a new consciousness regarding oral hygiene. However, the development of new technologies in dentistry necessitates the attention of committed dentists and dental work experts. Recent studies indicate that more dental health workers are just in for the money and treat dentistry…

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Is There A Cure For Alzheimer S

There are scientific advancements that look promising for preventing and even reversing the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive deterioration of the brain, first described in 1907 by the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915). It is the most common form of dementing, or mind-depriving, illness, affecting cells in an area of the brain important to memory.…

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Natural Acne Treatment 101

Let’s face it. Nobody is really immune to having acne from time to time. Don’t blame your French fries. Don’t blame your Hershey’s bar. Don’t blame yourself for not being able to wash your face enough. Don’t blame being overworked. Acne does not happen because of those. Acne is caused by some imbalances in our body and internal impurities. This…

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Plastic Surgery Do You Need It

Very close to 11.9 million underwent cosmetic, both surgical and non surgical, procedures last year. The figure stands at 1,425,900 for the top 5 surgical procedures. Even the trend lines show that there has been a continuous growth in the plastic surgeries performed in the last 7-8 years. The figure stands at over 8 million for all plastic surgeries put…

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Toxic Shock Syndrome Symptoms

Many people incorrectly believe that TSS only affects women, when in fact it can affect anyone – men, women and children. TSS has occurred in all races, although most cases have been reported from North America and Europe. What Is Toxic Shock Syndrome? There are actually two different types of this condition. Toxic shock syndrome, which is caused by Staphylococcus…

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